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Should I buy a PRUSA ?  

Active Member
Should I buy a PRUSA ?


I want to buy a new printer, maybe a prusa

I have a Qidi Flashforge creator pro and it is literally garbage. the amount of failed print is just baffling

I print with ABS and it wraps/shrinks

It sometimes stick to the bed for a couple of prints then does not stick anymore for days on end for no reason

- I use walls 
- I try layered temperature settings
- I use a glass bed with glue stick (since printed parts are glued so hard to the original bed stickers, I cannot remove them)
- just tried ASA, it just does not stick to the bed AT ALL
- Just printed flexible TPU and it took 10 tries before having it stick to the bed

All I see online is people printing great stuffs, but everyone use PLA, I need to print in ABS and TPU !

As an engineer, I print appliances with electronics, I also print RC cars parts (I try)


I wanted to be know if a PRUSA would improve my prints and mental health ???

Thanks for your inputs on this

This topic was modified 2 months ago 5 times by phil12345678910
Posted : 31/12/2024 9:40 am
Illustrious Member

It's a long time since I printed ABS; yes, it warps.

Both of my Prusas print PLA. PETG, TPU (with adjusted idler pressure) and ASA with few errors - it's the last day of the year and so far this year I have had only three or four print failures that were not clearly my fault - I have had trouble with nylon on my XL but mostly, I suspect, because my drybox, designed for a Mk3, is not truly compatible.

I expect a Prusa, after a short learning curve, would certainly improve your prints but your mental health may be a whole other problem...


Posted : 31/12/2024 11:09 am
ssmith liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Should I buy a PRUSA ?

"but your mental health may be a whole other problem..."

dude it was a joke

I noticed the prints behaved WAY differently if I used the dry box or not

I hope someone printing ABS will have more infos about this

thanks anyways

Posted : 31/12/2024 3:48 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Should I buy a PRUSA ?

If you're investing into 3D printing with your time, I would recommend getting a machine that prints well and runs well. It sounds like you're not only interested in 3D printing, but also technically capable (seeing as you're an engineer). 

I would recommend a Prusa to everyone who's interested in 3D printing and have at least a moderate level of technical interest. They're very reliable, excellent customer service, great open source availability, huge community creating modifications etc, very ethical company that you'd want to support, made in Europe, printers are supported for years and years and years, upgrade paths between printers are always(?) made available, etc. 

All that said, I would recommend printing with only ASA instead of ABS, as the former is made for 3D printing whilst the latter is not. Additionally, I would strongly recommend an enclosure and an air filter for health reasons, both ASA and ABS emit health-hazardous fumes. (Both ASA and ABS need an enclosure to print reliably anyway so). I've got some experience printing with ASA on my Prusa MK4 in an enclosure. It works well, but ASA is a warp-prone material so some features and shapes might be impossible to get bed adhesion to regardless of printer. 

Posted : 02/01/2025 1:06 pm
Razor liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Should I buy a PRUSA ?


I also noticed corexy would be great but I would have to wait for the prusa core I guess


Posted : 02/01/2025 3:55 pm