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Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed  

Active Member
Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

I ordered some Prusa PETG just to have it on hand and paid shipping from Europe.  My first print (scraper blade) stuck to the bed and when I removed it, big piece of the bed coating peeled off leaving a whole in the middle of my bed.  Ruined the bed and these things are big $$ compared to Chinese printers.

I am not amused.

Do people actually use this stuff?   It was almost impossible to get the print off and it ripped the bed.

Is there a reasonable replacement part available in the US.  Fedex shipping charges from Europe almost double the cost.

Posted : 23/03/2025 8:21 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

Sounds like you may have used the smooth PEI sheet in which case you'd normally need a release agent.

Also, if this was the case, make sure everything is cold before you attempt to remove items from the bed.

I love Prusament PETG and always use it with the powder coated textured or satin sheets.
No release agent is required and prints release easily when everything is cold.

Posted : 23/03/2025 8:41 pm
Brian liked
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

My thoughts exactly.

You need to make sure you use the correct build plate for the material, see section 7.2 in the manual or

Posted : 23/03/2025 8:56 pm
Brian liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

Yep, smooth sheet and PETG, not a great idea.

In the US you can also check and for genuine parts. There's a markup compared to Prusa direct but if you order enought to get free shipping it may be worth it.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 24/03/2025 12:01 am
Brian liked
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

I print PETG on the satin sheet and it works great.

Posted : 24/03/2025 1:37 am
chmax and FoxRun3D liked
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

Hi John, in order to print PETG with the smooth sheet, just apply windex or something similar to it. Once printed, just wait for the parts to cool down, and most of the time they will separate automatically as they cool at a different rate than the sheet. I have been printing like this now for years. For PLA, on the contrary, make sure the sheet is absolutely clean. As pointed above, do check out the material guide, it is definitly a good read.

Posted by: @johne

I ordered some Prusa PETG just to have it on hand and paid shipping from Europe.  My first print (scraper blade) stuck to the bed and when I removed it, big piece of the bed coating peeled off leaving a whole in the middle of my bed.  Ruined the bed and these things are big $$ compared to Chinese printers.

I am not amused.

Do people actually use this stuff?   It was almost impossible to get the print off and it ripped the bed.

Is there a reasonable replacement part available in the US.  Fedex shipping charges from Europe almost double the cost.


Posted : 24/03/2025 7:58 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

Well this is all good advice regarding printing Prusa PETG on a Prusa.  I've googled around enough to know that I am hardly the first person that has had this happen.  I will say that last week I printed my first PETG on the new MK4S and I had no such problem.  I used almost 2/3 of a spool of Overture PETG using the generic PETG profile and I had no adhesion problems.  Printed fine.  Released fine.


Posted : 24/03/2025 8:37 am
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

No offense John, but I hardly think this is a filament problem.  Doing some basic research you'll see that the bed adhesion of PETG is high, and therefore not recommended for PEI sheets without some sort of barrier for the exact reason you damaged your sheet. If you accidentally do this again you can try putting it in the freezer as this had 6 helped some in the past get parts off without damaging the sheet.

Unfortunately searching doing a Google search to find that others haven't followed recommendations I'm not sure proves anything.  

Good news is that since the sheets are double sided you can still use the other undamaged side of the sheet. 

Good luck.

Posted : 24/03/2025 12:54 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

... and if you want you can order a new pei foil, take out the pei on the damaged side, and reapply it. I managed to forget to use the 3D glue on a PCBlend print on the smooth sheet and ended up with a hole in the pei coating (no freezing or anything else did help with PCBlend!)

The process is not too complex, it is just scrapring the old pei sheet away that is a proverbial pain...

Posted : 24/03/2025 1:35 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa PETG Damaged My Bed

Many people do it.  My original smooth sheet on my old Mk3 has a small coin sized hole in it for the same reason.  Didn't RTFM as they say 🙂  Still using the other side of the same sheet even now 7+ years later.  That was with Extrudr PETG.  Not all filaments are the same , even if made from the same base material.  Always best to assume a filament is one of the grabbier ones until you know otherwise.

Posted : 24/03/2025 3:14 pm
Brian liked
Honorable Member


Posted by: @chmax

... and if you want you can order a new pei foil, take out the pei on the damaged side, and reapply it. I managed to forget to use the 3D glue on a PCBlend print on the smooth sheet and ended up with a hole in the pei coating (no freezing or anything else did help with PCBlend!)

The process is not too complex, it is just scrapring the old pei sheet away that is a proverbial pain...

Instructions on how to do it are here:

You can buy the new PEI film here:

This post was modified 2 days ago 2 times by miroslav.h4
Posted : 24/03/2025 3:35 pm
Brian liked