Everything was going smoothly...until it wasn't.
First off, super-newbie here. Have done about 2 dozen prints so far; mostly smaller and simpler designs all in PLA to this point. Been having fun learning and the community looks to be extremely supportive. Latest attempt was going really well...until it wasn't. It was my largest and longest print to date...11 hours. It was doing fine up until my last check at about 9-1/2 hours. Wasn't able to check on it again until it was done printing. Then found this mess...
What would cause a print to go haywire so seemingly close to the end?
Thanks in advance for any insight.
RE: Everything was going smoothly...until it wasn't.
That is very nice model! Is it possible to get it somewhere?
I'm not much bigger exist than you... But I could see the wings being a bit flexible which could cause a dragging out clash of nozzle.
I would:
1) slow down the print at least for the wing
2) I would rotate the model 90°, so the long wing extrusions are along the bed sling direction. Looks to me that the wings should be more stable in that direction.
Not entirely sure, if supports would help much. But might.