While loading filament nextruder makes clicking noise and there is no filament coming out of Nozzle.
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While loading filament nextruder makes clicking noise and there is no filament coming out of Nozzle.  

While loading filament nextruder makes clicking noise and there is no filament coming out of Nozzle.

Standard MK4s with 0.4 Nozzle.

After not using the printer for a week i wanted to print something.

After using the printer last week i've forgot unload the latest filament (ABS). During the latest 3 or 4 prints last week i already heard a slightly clicking noise coming out of the nextruder but the printer was doing his work so i thought it was no problem.

So, before printing today i wanted to unload it and load PETG. 

Nozzle heated up but the ABS filament did not want to come out and then it broke off leaving a bit of the filament sticking out of the top of the nozzle (the side the nextruder feeds it in).

Removed the visible piece of ABS filament, heated up the Nozzle to 250C° for 5 minutes and tried to load PETG to push the bit of ABS trough the nozzle. 

The only thing that happened was the nextruder making a clicking noise but the filament wouldn't move.

Ive removed the nozzle and warmed it up with a heating gun and pushed the filament that was inside out with another piece of filament and then pulled that filament out again. 

After this i drectly put some pressured air through the nozzle to make sure it was clear of any debris.


The problem is that after mounting the nozzle i wanted to load PETG but the nextruder just takes it in a bit to the feeder side of the nozzle, the clicking sound begins again and the filament stops going any further.

And sometimes when i unload the filament the nexruder clicks 3 of 4 times and then the filament comes out.


The nozzle looks clear to me (checked it a few times) but the nextruder just feeds the filament a little bit into the nozzle feeding side and then the system blocks. 

Any help in solving this is much appreciated. Alreday ordered an few new nozzle's (and needle) to be sure but i don't knwo if that's the problem. I have the idea that the nozzle is warming up but maybe not hot enough to melt the filament. 


Sorry for the bad English as this is not my native tongue. 

This topic was modified 3 months ago by Bruno64
Posted : 08/11/2024 8:51 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: While loading filament nextruder makes clicking noise and there is no filament coming out of Nozzle.


I've took the nossle out and held it near a heating gun. Then i pushed a piece of PETG filament trough the nozzle feeding side and pushed until i've noticed melted filament coming out of the nozzle.

I'v let a piece of filament sticking out of the feeding side an remounted the nozzle. Then i chose 'unload filament', the nozzle temp went up and when the printer wanted to unload the filament it "clicked" again and then the filament snapped. 

At this moment i'm thinking that the nozzle isn't heated as much as i should be even though the temp reading on the LCD says it is ok.

Is there a way to check this? I have al little infrared temp gauge but it's too big to measure on such a small area. 


Posted : 09/11/2024 7:13 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: While loading filament nextruder makes clicking noise and there is no filament coming out of Nozzle.

Problem seems solved.


Had a contact (chat) with the Prusa helpdesk and at the end it was solved. Up until now i can print again.

I had to do some things like posting a video/pics in which the problem was documented.

The single last thing i had to do was a gearbox alignment https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/article/gearbox-alignment-mk4_465779 but that didn't solve the problem.

Then i had to loosen the 2 tension screws (i loosened them both a complete turn) and after that the problem was gone.


Im' still trying to comprehend why that was the problem because up until the problem came up i had no problem with the filamanent (un)loading. The only thing i've noticed was that the nextruder sometime made one or two "clicks".  

Posted : 14/11/2024 2:32 pm