Weird Texture on Side and Top of prints
Why does this keep happening? Support keeps giving different answers
The top layer ripples are symptoms of warping or poor adhesion of the first layer - throroughly clean the print-sheet and maybe add a brim. Make sure you are not printing in a draft.
The sides might be affected by the same cause or they may be somthing else ... fix the warping first and come back with more pictures if problems persist.
RE: Weird Texture on Side and Top of prints
Diem's explanation is mostly likely correct I feel. You've got too much filament which is being pushed around. If you think your adhesion is ok. Try reducing the Extrusion Multiplier in the filaments section of PrusaSlicer.
RE: Weird Texture on Side and Top of prints
don't you guys think it could also be a problem with the belt tension?
RE: Weird Texture on Side and Top of prints
I don't think it's belt tension. I've seen this rippling on my own prints. My belt tension was correct. The fix was to reduce the extrusion multiplier.
I've a couple of occasions when the nozzle crashed into these ripples causing the stepper to briefly stall. This caused an axis shift on the model.
RE: Weird Texture on Side and Top of prints
I agree with @diem. I've seen this before especially on ASA when the part warps. It's happened to me a few times over the years. It ends up looking similar to when your nozzle is too close to the bed on the first layer.
That's why it's only near the corners because they lifted off the bed. It must not have happened until near the final layer, hence the distorted to layer. More often then not the part warps long before the top layer and you only see distortions on the side of the part.