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suppression probing points before print  

suppression probing points before print

hello and sorry for my english, i'm an old italian...

i would to suppress probing points before the print. isn't possible? anyone is so gentle to teach me how? thanks a lot


Posted : 01/02/2025 4:57 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: suppression probing points before print

You can remove the G80 code from the start gcode in:  Printer Settings > Custom G-code

but the printer will not have an updated level map of the build sheet so first layer errors may cause many prints to fail.


Posted : 01/02/2025 6:11 pm
looka liked
Illustrious Member
RE: suppression probing points before print

You really don't want to skip that step. With newer versions of firmware the printer only probes the areas necessary. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 02/02/2025 1:57 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: suppression probing points before print

thank you for the answers. i will try to explain me. i’m starting to  do some  reverse print so i need to change the color and restart printing from the plate. for to do this i use two files. when the first printing file ends i change the filament and i start the second. this one starts to print from the plate. if it start probing the nozzle crash against the first print. so i would no probing and  purge too… i hope to be clear amd sorry again for my english…

Posted : 02/02/2025 7:23 am