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[Solved] MK4S CHT Nozzle clarification pls  

MK4S CHT Nozzle clarification pls

Hi All. I need a little help with nozzle types!

When I bought my MK4, it came with:

  • Prusa Nozzle brass - 0.4 mm

To enable faster switching and replace nozzles more economically, I purchased:

  • Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter

Yesterday, I assembled my MK4S Kit, which came with:

  • Prusa Nozzle brass CHT - 0.4 mm

From a read in the store description, the new CHT nozzle seems to have only a single line difference in their description: "...with a CHT (Core Heating Technology)."

I'd like to use my V6 Nozzle Adaptor, at least until I am able use up my backstock of nozzles, but I also want to take advantage of the benefits of the MK4S! I also noticed that there is no configuration option in the printer's hardware to select CHT nozzle. 

I suppose my question is, is there a tangible benefit to only using CHT nozzles moving forward, and does the software after the MK4S/Slicer upgrade ASSUME the existence of a CHT nozzle? Or am I safe in rolling back the nozzle to the V6 Nozzle Adapter until I have exhausted my little box of new nozzles? Also, will there eventually be a CHT V6 Nozzle Adapter? 

Thanks for any help, the current spread of Nozzles in the store doesn't seem to be well-defined and there doesn't seem to be learning materials on what is needed/expected with the new nozzle, etc. 



This topic was modified 5 months ago 2 times by levain-heaven
Posted : 18/10/2024 6:19 pm
 C H
New Member
RE: MK4S CHT Nozzle clarification pls

The CHT nozzles (or high flow nozzels) allow more material throughput and therefore some increase in speed and less print time.
You could buy a normal CHT nozzle and use it with the existing V6 adaptor.

The main difference is that the CHT nozzles have more surface to heat the material up in shorter time. This is done by having 3 holes for the filament instead only one. See here:  

Posted : 19/10/2024 12:17 am

The best way to figure out the difference in speed is to load some of your models into the slicer, and slice them with various profiles (with and without the HIgh flow nozzle).  Also compare against other printers that the slicer supports to get a general idea.

What you will find is that the print parameters don't change between the high flow vs. the regular nozzle, with the exception that the high flow one enables a 0.28 mm draft print mode, which isn't available under a regular nozzle.  Of course, if you are doing a 0.28 mm layer height, then you may as well use a larger nozzle size too.

This post was modified 5 months ago by derekp7
Posted : 19/10/2024 12:49 am
Prominent Member
RE: MK4S CHT Nozzle clarification pls

Ive not really noticed any significant print speed differences with the high flow nozzle. It's the new print fan shroud that makes a bigger difference IMO. 

I'm looking to switch back to a standard nozzle once I get a MMU3 TBH, and I won't miss the HF nozzle much at all...... 

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Posted : 19/10/2024 6:55 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4S CHT Nozzle clarification pls

Thank you all for the responses. I am spending some time with the slicer and different types of models to see what's different, mostly I noticed on a large model the CHT  nozzle has some speed improvements, but on my daily print stuff (smaller, flatter things) not too much. Excited because it means I can probably stand to roll back to my .06 non-CHT nozzles until they are all exhausted, and perhaps by then the CHT nozzles will be an obvious buy when replacing. I have some reading to do! Thanks for the help and direction. 

Posted : 19/10/2024 10:51 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK4S CHT Nozzle clarification pls

What you may or may not know is that Prusa Slicer has a "High Flow" setting, but you only see this setting in "Expert" mode. And even know Prusa sent you a High Flow nozzle with your MK4 to MK4S upgrade kit, the High Flow setting is NOT enabled by default in the MK4S profile. Go figure. And as others have said, checking or unchecking this setting in the slicer does not change the print time for any filament type I have tried.  Moral, don't waste your money on high flow nozzles for anything other than a super high speed printer, which the MK4S is not.

Posted : 05/11/2024 11:29 pm