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Help! My hotend is covered in a large blob  

Help! My hotend is covered in a large blob

The prints came loose from the build plate.  The PLA was forced up and around the print head.  How can I remove this without damaging the print head / carriage?

Posted : 15/03/2025 4:30 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Help! My hotend is covered in a large blob

If the heater still works, I turn the heater on, and whilst the Blob is heating from the inside, I use an old soldering iron to carve the blob off from the outsideusually at some stage you van move the part fan out of the way   I have never tried this on a Mk4S  it worked on My Mk3.9

As you carve the waste away, you should reach a point where the bulk of the blob comes away from the heat block. 

Once you have removed the bulk, you need to tidy up what's left. 

On my printer there was waste filament behind the heat block glueing the heat block to the bottom bearing cover for the X axis bearings
whilst the nozzle was HOT< I carefully loosened the nozzle shaft retaining screws and lowered the nozzle assembly, then turned the heater off and let everything cool
when cool, I disconnected the nozzle heater and thermistor connectors and removed the  nozzle / heater assembly. 

this let me see the bearing cover and assess the damage

I could go into a long description of how to clean the nozzle / heatblock assemblt... but it's still mucky on my work bench, 
I simply fitted new parts which I happened to have on hand

Beware, if you don't sort the waste on the bearing block, the nozzle may not be able to move and trigger the self levelling strain gauge...   which may not end nicely.../ 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 15/03/2025 6:13 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help! My hotend is covered in a large blob

I'll give it a try tomorrow.  Thanks!

Posted : 15/03/2025 9:46 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help! My hotend is covered in a large blob

 Ok.  The blob is removed, but not without some collateral damage - where I got too close to some parts with the soldering gun.  As well, the sock for the print head got damaged, and will have to be replaced.

The printer is working again, and I'm reprinting the fan shroud.

The biggest help was having the hotend on; as it softened up the filament enough to work with.

Thanks very much for your help!

Posted : 16/03/2025 6:00 pm