DNS fail, no DNS showing from DHCP?
I've started having some very strange networking problems with my printer since I upgraded my MK4 to an MK4S.
The most recent is a DNS problem. My printer is connected via ethernet, and the network settings for it shows "-" for DNS server. The "Ping | Loss" section says "DNS FAIL" for "Connect". I just started a print via PrusaLink and was trying to check the camera via PrusaConnect when I noticed this, so I can't reboot it until the print is done. This happened before and turning off power to the whole printer fixed it. The reset button did not.
The DHCP server gives out two IPs for DNS servers on the LAN. I didn't have problems with it before, but is that maybe triggering a bug in the firmware? I can't really do much about that, since it would affect everything on the LAN. Does the "-" for the DNS server just mean it can't show two, or does it mean it thinks it doesn't have a DNS server?
Are there any logs I can somehow look at to try to debug what's going on? Is this a known problem of any sort? I am admitedly a bit behind on the firmware, on 6.1.4+7908. It's not the first weird networking problem I've had since I upgraded to an MK4S, sadly.
RE: DNS fail, no DNS showing from DHCP?
Yeah.. hard to troubleshoot.. but maybe there is a physical problem.. Doesn't look like it is hitting your DHCP server on your network.. so I'm thinking a network cable issue. Do you get a green "link" light on your printer where your cable plugs in? Try plugging into a different port on your router. Now is your router's DHCP working.. sometimes they crap out.. but your computer keeps working because it has all the IP info it needs.. So do a power recycle on your router.. and any switches between your printer and the router.. Then power cycle your printer AFTER power cycling the routers/switches. Make sure your RJ45 cable is good.
RE: DNS fail, no DNS showing from DHCP?
It's definitely not a physical problem. It has an IP via DHCP, I can ping the printer over the network, printing to it with PrusaLink from PrusaSlicer works... the printer itself just can't see to figure out DNS, so it can't make outgoing connections.
I powered it completely off and back on and it's working again, just like last time. But this is the second time now that this has happened.