Phase Stepping - MK4S
Hi there!
When do you think Phase Stepping will be introduced for the MK4S? I know that the Prusa XL already has it, but unfortunately the XL uses different stepper motors compared to the MK4S.
It would be really great to see!
RE: Phase Stepping - MK4S
Is phase stepping even applicable to an i3 bed-slinger design? I thought it had to do with phasing the two motors that combined create XY motion on a core-xy design. I could be completely wrong.
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RE: Phase Stepping - MK4S
Maybe something along the lines of measuring and compensating for resonance noise during movements, such as different speeds in X and Y?
RE: Phase Stepping - MK4S
The print quality is already better on the MK4 than the XL. The. 9 degree motors on the MK4 make a big difference.
I have both printers and the print quality on both of good, but the MK4 is better. It's especially noticeable on circular parts. This is using the structural profiles, which is pretty much all I use.
RE: Phase Stepping - MK4S
I would say that phase stepping would be great for reducing noise and making the printer even quieter! The print quality is good, but there are very loud resonance noises from the printer during longer movements.
RE: Phase Stepping - MK4S
I would say that phase stepping would be great for reducing noise and making the printer even quieter! The print quality is good, but there are very loud resonance noises from the printer during longer movements.
Interesting thought.
My MK4S is already extremely quiet, much quieter than the XL. (even with phase stepping) I'd be extremely surprised if it could be quieter.
I'd be willing to bet it's is one of the quieter, if not the quietest printer currently available.
RE: Phase Stepping - MK4S
I have several MK4S and some of them are louder than others when doing long 45 degree movements. The ones that are louder exhibit some type of resonance/vibration which I can only attribute to the motors, whereas the resonance is much less on some of the other printers. The sound is similar to what has already been posted in some of the Core One forums regarding vibration that some are experiencing. Print quality is not impacted at all, but I'd love to see phase stepping calibration enabled for the MK4S too if it would help reduce some of the resonance/vibration.