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PETG Wavy First Layer  

Russell Carter
PETG Wavy First Layer


I received a factory assembled MK4S a few weeks ago and have been dealing with some 1st, 2nd, and 3rd layer issues. I am getting my best print results when I apply a o.o3 mm Z offset, but I’m still getting a wavy first layer appearance on the back center and back left part of the print bed. (Picture below) At a 0.03 Z offset, the issue normally doesn’t become too much of a problem, but some 3rd layer tear out does occur (Picture below). Luckily, the infill starts at the 4th layer so I think the print would be fine, but I have yet to commit the 14 hours needed to finish the print. Small prints have not given my any real issues. I’m using Prusament PETG filament with normal setting minus having the nozzle temp at 255. Could any other changes be made to alleviate this wavy appearance which I believe is the cause of the tear out I’m experiencing? Prints done without changing the Z offset (keeping it as 0) experience significant tear out on layer 3 which has caused me to abort the prints.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!


Posted : 24/03/2025 5:34 pm
Estimable Member
RE: PETG Wavy First Layer

I usually use 0.04 Z-offset not much different from yours, to avoid the waves, so I think you’re on the right track.  I’ve seen tearing like that in places where there are fingerprints, so make sure your build plate is thoroughly degreased.  Also, make sure your filament is dry.


Posted : 25/03/2025 1:50 pm