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Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?  

Eminent Member
Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?

This is more wanting to see if I haven't missed any rumors/announcements. Has Prusa said anything about adapting the MK4S to the XL frame? I have been looking for a new 3d printer to buy and that would be my ideal solution. That would give me the print volume and CoreXY benefits without the extra cost of the tool head system which I won't need. Or would I be better off buying the 4 and modifying the frame for greater z height (my main need)?

Posted : 19/09/2024 5:36 pm
Active Member
RE: Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?

Modifying a MK4 for a greater Z height sounds quite ambitious to me and I think that's not the best idea...
With larger (higher) models on a bedslinger you will most probably run into new problems regarding the forces that work on your moving mass.

When you have the skills and would be willing to do such a mod you might be better off using them to build something like a larger Voron instead.

(regarding rumors/announcements I can't contribute anything)

Posted : 20/09/2024 1:25 am
Illustrious Member

That would be a competely different printer.  Prusa do make a smallish coreXY machine for their Automated Farm System -

- but it is unrelated to the Mk4.

What is the height problem?  Printing in parts and joining works well with Mk3/Mk4 as interlayer strength is often less than that of a glued joint.


Posted : 20/09/2024 10:08 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?

Was asking because it feels like Prusa skipped over an entire market segment between MK4S and XL and I wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything. I have a fair number of spaceship models from various games I want to print ~12-14in long (or more, to allow for some semblance of scale between ship classes) for display. I was wanting to print these in one piece to avoid seam lines since I wasn't planning on painting them. My biggest current frustration is everything that I have looked that can do tall prints is a bedslinger or seems to currently have enough issues that removes it from the list (ie the new Sovol SV08). I have a Kobra 2 Max at work but I haven't been able to get the quality to match the MK3S. Between work and working on my house, I am currently in a kind of weird spot of: "I have a little time/energy to tinker with settings but nowhere near enough to deal with a Voron/RatRig style custom setup/assembly/configuring/tweaking." Maybe I just need to wait longer for the market to focus more on CoreXY, or find time to make a custom printer.

Posted : 20/09/2024 1:19 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?

Yes, and have a look in this table, but in several languages - different information, even 4 weeks difference. Or they are  countries/customers  "better"?

Posted : 20/09/2024 1:24 pm
Illustrious Member

spaceship models from various games I want to print ~12-14in long (or more, to allow for some semblance of scale between ship classes) for display. I was wanting to print these in one piece to avoid seam lines since I wasn't planning on painting them

Align the joins with structural features to disguise them - and if necessary spray a single coat of enamel paint as a quick and easy smoother.

I don't make many ornaments but I went up to 60cm (two feet) a few times with my Mk3, perhaps slightly more with a museum quality Pleiosaur model; you are not making structural parts so strength isn't an issue.


Posted : 20/09/2024 2:01 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?

Isn't what your asking for the single head XL?  Both printers use the Nextruder Print head.  The only difference with the 4S is the cooling fan. 

The single tool XL does not have the tool changer system.

Posted : 20/09/2024 2:18 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?


Posted by: @diem

spaceship models from various games I want to print ~12-14in long (or more, to allow for some semblance of scale between ship classes) for display. I was wanting to print these in one piece to avoid seam lines since I wasn't planning on painting them

Align the joins with structural features to disguise them - and if necessary spray a single coat of enamel paint as a quick and easy smoother.

I don't make many ornaments but I went up to 60cm (two feet) a few times with my Mk3, perhaps slightly more with a museum quality Pleiosaur model; you are not making structural parts so strength isn't an issue.


That is possible for maybe 40% of the ships, many of them lack those components (Homeworld ships, most ship details were bump mapped rather than modeled) or are organic (X3TC Heavy Centaur Prototype). I am at work or I could post screens of some of the actual models I have extracted.

Posted : 20/09/2024 2:18 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?


Posted by: @brian-12

Isn't what your asking for the single head XL?  Both printers use the Nextruder Print head.  The only difference with the 4S is the cooling fan. 

The single tool XL does not have the tool changer system.

I was more looking for something with the hardware level of the 4S (ie none of the capability for more print heads) with the frame of the XL. Kinda figure that would have brought the price to around 1,500$ (about what I would guess the cost of a prosumer corexy would run) without the extra hardware/features. When I look at the two, the print heads look like completely different designs that may share some of the components.

Posted : 20/09/2024 5:49 pm
Brian liked
Honorable Member
RE: Has anything been said about a MK4S but CoreXY?


Posted by: @rysten-2


Posted by: @brian-12

Isn't what your asking for the single head XL?  Both printers use the Nextruder Print head.  The only difference with the 4S is the cooling fan. 

The single tool XL does not have the tool changer system.

I was more looking for something with the hardware level of the 4S (ie none of the capability for more print heads) with the frame of the XL. Kinda figure that would have brought the price to around 1,500$ (about what I would guess the cost of a prosumer corexy would run) without the extra hardware/features. When I look at the two, the print heads look like completely different designs that may share some of the components.

  • That is exactly what the single tool head version is.  There is no tool changer on it.  The single print head is permanently affixed to the Gantry. 
  • The print heads are the same, just oriented differently.  Aka it's rotated 90° on the XL. 
Posted : 20/09/2024 5:56 pm