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Trouble with 16mm Threading in X Assembly  

Active Member
Trouble with 16mm Threading in X Assembly

Assembling the X axis and it calls for threading a 3 x 16mm in the plastic part.  One of the 4 the bolts won't thread down all the way.  I tried to clean the recess out with a drill bit to make sure some irregularity isn't keeping it from going down all the way.  I can't get it all the way down and I can't really force it or it will strip the threads.   The assembly picture shows it flush.  Does it have to be flush?   Any idea what to do about this?  I'm stuck at a fairly early stage here.  Pretty disappointing given the cost of the machine



This topic was modified 1 month ago by JOHNE
Posted : 23/02/2025 7:36 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Trouble with 16mm Threading in X Assembly

The hole for this screw has no threads inside, the screw only serves as a support for the end of the smooth rods so that they do not push into the plastic parts over time, and it should only be possible to insert them into the hole without turning. You can only push the screw in after cleaning the screw shank and head holes. If the height of the head does not exceed the height of the small protrusion next to it, nothing happens.s.

Posted : 23/02/2025 9:13 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Trouble with 16mm Threading in X Assembly

So I already cleaned the recess out with a drill bit as I said in the post.  Near as I can tell the screw is "bottoming out" in the hole (i.e. hole is not deep enough).  I may have a 3mm tap that I run down it.   The tech on the chat said to just put a 14mm screw in because the screw was just a visual mark for alignment(?)  I guess you're saying just leave it as is(?)

The distressing thing (aside from the 1hr+ wait on the chat) is that the comment section on this step contains multiple people having the same problem and there are no answers.  

Posted : 24/02/2025 9:38 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Trouble with 16mm Threading in X Assembly

from what I recall the purpose of that screw, is to create a positive stop for the smooth rod, and reduce the chances of the part splitting along the layer lines, when the rods are inserted, so a shorter screw. or drilling out 2.5mm should resolve the issue. 

I Wonder what has changed, because i don't recall having the issue when I Built my printer. 

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 24/02/2025 10:09 am