PEI Sheet damaged by auto-leveling checks after first use
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PEI Sheet damaged by auto-leveling checks after first use  

PEI Sheet damaged by auto-leveling checks after first use

Hi all!

I know from searching the forums/reddit that this has been a problem for Mk4 users, but it seems that it was fixed by a firmware update at some point. I would have assumed that this also applied to the Mk4s. This is my first experience with a prusa printer, and I've only printed two small PETG prints on the PEI sheet, and there are permanent raised bumps in a grid arrangement from the auto-leveling checks that are done before a print begins. This is... annoying. I'm lucky to have a texture sheet as well, that I have been using without issue, but I do want to be able to use the PEI sheet too. Have others experienced this? And what are your solutions, if any?

Posted : 15/09/2024 4:10 am
Honorable Member
RE: PEI Sheet damaged by auto-leveling checks after first use

I havent experienced this with my MK4s - I've only completed 2 prints though, and my sheet is like new. 

I do use a scraper after each print though, to rid the bed of little bits on plastic left from the probing.

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Posted : 16/09/2024 11:07 am