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Issues when trying to print with PETG  

Vahe Ganapetyan
Issues when trying to print with PETG

Hi! I am seeing huge stringing and blobs when printing in PETG, so much that I am forced to stop the print and clean the outside of the nozzle from stuck molten filament. I have tried to increase the temperature to 260C and bed temperature to 100C, and this worked very well on a small object, however did not help with this larger print. Drying the filament for 9 hours at 60C did not change anything. I am using 0.4 obXidian nozzle (had similar results with the MK4S stock nozzle), tried to vary the layer height and temperatures but nothing seems to help. PLA prints with no issues though. Where shall I look to solve this issue?

Posted : 28/10/2024 6:20 am