default PETG profile sticks to build plate
Is the default PETG profile too hot for the standard mooth PEI build plate?
245/90 seems like a crazy high temperature setting
It is very difficult to remove prints, it seems a little bit in the center (above where 1 nut is on the heatbed) is completely fused to the plate.
Best Answer by Diem:
It's not too hot but the PETG (and TPE/TPU when you come to printing them) sticks too tightly. Wipe a single stripe of glue-stick across the plate and spread it with a wet paper towel, or use a cheap window cleaning spray (Windex, many supermarket own-brands) to reduce adhesion.
Do not force your stuck print, you will damage the print sheet; instead dribble a little isopropyl alcohol around the sticking point and gently flex the plate to help it creep underneath, if it is still sticking try putting the plate and print in a freezer for an hour.
RE: default PETG profile sticks to build plate
The 3d Printing Handbook recommends using a 'glue stick' for printing PETG on the smooth pei build plate. I did not heed that warning / don't trust glue on my build plate so printed it clean. perhaps that was my mistake.
Does this mean the plate is ruined completely? does PEI and PETG melt and bond together or something at the default PETG profile temp + clean plate?
It's not too hot but the PETG (and TPE/TPU when you come to printing them) sticks too tightly. Wipe a single stripe of glue-stick across the plate and spread it with a wet paper towel, or use a cheap window cleaning spray (Windex, many supermarket own-brands) to reduce adhesion.
Do not force your stuck print, you will damage the print sheet; instead dribble a little isopropyl alcohol around the sticking point and gently flex the plate to help it creep underneath, if it is still sticking try putting the plate and print in a freezer for an hour.
Welcome to the club... we've all made that mistake. Once.
Good luck trying to get it off but I wouldn't hold my breath. But even if damaged, you can still use the other side.
One reason I haven't used a smooth sheet in literally years. Satin or textured sheets work with every material in my collection (ASA, PETG, PLA. TPU, PCCF).
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: default PETG profile sticks to build plate
I've fixed it all and it's working again, here's some notes in case human from future finds this.
Fridge + isopropyl alcohol = no effect
Freezer 2 hrs + alc = no effect
after that, 100c bed temp + blasphemous vigorous rubbing with Galaxy Grey Prusa (comes on flash drive) scraper, ta-da! got it off.
Seemed like little dents but they disappeared after another print as the surface stabilized (PEI is amazing tech.)
A bigger but related problem I found while in this process is that my Heatbed power cables were incorrectly fastened!
I put the washers between the Heatbed and the little cables instead of between the bolt head and the cable fasteners.
This likely had some kind of effect on the temperature readings/reportings and functioning of the heatbed and printing that's difficult to quantify.
Since fixing that I've been printing again no problem.
Excited to put back, this is a fantastic community.
RE: default PETG profile sticks to build plate
I wish I had this problem! I print PETG directly on the smooth sheet and it still curls up. Help!
RE: default PETG profile sticks to build plate
I wish I had this problem! I print PETG directly on the smooth sheet and it still curls up. Help!
On a Mk4S? Not that I want to encourage you to print PETG on a smooth sheet but if it curls up, I think your nozzle is too high and maybe you want to try to manually adjust live Z down by -0.04 or so when the print starts. Which is what I have to do sometimes on the textured sheet (sorry, haven't used smooth sheets in a looong time).
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: default PETG profile sticks to build plate
Tried lowering and raising z. Lower sticks better, but Extrusion Plowing occurs. Neutral still has some plowing as well as Elephant Feet. Raising to about +0.04 lays down smooth and solid.
What I thought for a long time was bed adhesion issues, now I think are temperature and overcooling issues. Curling. I tried lowering the extruder temp, raising the bed temp, and cutting the cooling values down to half (of default). This has helped more than anything.