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(Almost) Perfect first layer ... ?  

Trusted Member
(Almost) Perfect first layer ... ?

I have had the MK4 for a few months, and the MK4S upgrade for a couple of weeks now. By and large, my prints have been successful, but now that I am printing objects with larger first layer foot prints, I can see "waves" in the first layer (see pic). With the MINIs and the MK3s+, this was an indicator that the z- needed to be adjusted higher: however, my assumption with the MK4s is that this would no longer be necessary. Has anyone seen anything similar ? Any ideas on why this would happen and what I can do about it ? Without the live-adjust z option, I'm a little at a loss as to what to do.

FWIW, this is with PETG, and I do see some slight warping off the build plate (as expected with the over-tight first layer).

This topic was modified 3 hours ago by HappyKatz

Prusa is MK4S w/ MMU3 (formerly MK4 / MMU3, MK3S+/MMU2), 2 Prusa MINI+, Octoprint. PETG, PVB, (some) PLA.

Posted : 30/09/2024 2:42 pm
Trusted Member
RE: (Almost) Perfect first layer ... ?

Go down with your Temperatur -5 , -10 degrees

Posted : 30/09/2024 4:30 pm