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how to wired ?  

Trusted Member
how to wired ?

Following the instructions, GPIO hackerboard connect to buddy board I2C port, OK for that.

But later in the instruction you are showing the GPIUO board pin GND, 1,2 connected to extension connector of the Addon Controller board, bring questions:

 - what is the max length and type of wire to use between the GPIO board and Addon board with a Prusa enclosure ?  Shielded, twisted ... ?

- what is the exact brand and model for the extension port plug of the Addon board ?

- Can I control the FAN and the LED light of the enclosure with the GPIO and how ?

- Can I control the shooting of the Beagle V2 camera with the GPIO ? if YES . how ?

- Can I connect a piezo buzzer on the GPIO to sound when the filament run-out or when the print is done ?


Sorry for the question, but I am just starting.   This board can be a game changer if you help me developed my ideas.

Posted : 10/11/2024 1:49 am
Illustrious Member

This is a user to user forum.  Prusa staff rarely visit.

There may be someone here who knows the answers but with any new kit there is a lag as people learn their way around it.  For any authoritative answer visit Prusa's Github.


Posted : 10/11/2024 6:17 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: how to wired ?

OK, I will try tech support

Posted : 10/11/2024 3:38 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: how to wired ?

For general info, here is the GPIO board

Posted : 10/11/2024 4:08 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: how to wired ?

Here a ink for the schematic

Posted : 10/11/2024 4:09 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: how to wired ?

here is the connector type and model

Posted : 10/11/2024 5:12 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: how to wired ?

here is the answer from Prusa Tech Support:

Hello, Thank you for the questions about GPIO board, we plan to expand the help page slightly but at the same time most of the projects will be mainly about electronics behind the GPIO which are out of the scope of our support. Anyway, I will try to answer as many questions as possible and remain available in case you need further help.

- what is the max length and type of wire to use between the GPIO board and Addon board with a Prusa enclosure ?
The length and shielding are two variables which affect each other. Short cable does not need to be shielded, but the longer cable you will use or more radiation sources you have around, more likely it is that shielded cable is necessary. For the length you can expect between the GPIO and the basic board, the cables definitely do not need to be shielded.

- what is the exact brand and model for the extension port plug of the Addon board ?
Molex 502585-0470 (female), Molex 502578-0400 (male)

- Can I control the FAN and the LED light of the enclosure with the GPIO and how ?
Yes, you can see in the diagram pin 0 is connected to Fan and pin 1 to LED, It is as easy as injecting the gcode to set those pins as output and then turn them on or off in your start/end gcode in slicer For example:

- Can I control the shooting of the Beagle V2 camera with the GPIO ? if YES . how ?
I am not familiar with Beagle V2 unfortunately, but if it supports trigger over wire then it is possible. Again by sending the signal through the gcode similarly to the example above, but this time likely in the layer change gcode to snap a photo every layer.

- Can I connect a piezo buzzer on the GPIO to sound when the filament run-out or when the print is done ?
This would require some other circuitry around the buzzer based on which exact part you select, which is unfortunately out of our scope. Probably not possible to sound it on filament run-out without modifying the printer firmware, which I can not recommend, but definitely possible to do so at the end of the print again by sending the trigger through the end g-code. 


Posted : 15/11/2024 2:21 am