GPIO control based on printer hotend temp?
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GPIO control based on printer hotend temp?  

Estimable Member
GPIO control based on printer hotend temp?

Is there any way to monitor printer status info to switch GPIOs based on values? That is, can I check the temp of the extruder and when it goes down to say 40C, turn off a GPIO output? Thinking of my enclosure fans which are run off a power strip which has a relay to switch it on and off. Once a print finishes it will needs some time to continue to exhaust.

Also, can I control the state of a GPIO output with a GPIO input? That is I have two input pins. One would be a button press to set a GPIO pin to high, the other to set low. This way I can turn something on and off.

This topic was modified 5 months ago by jurassic73

MK3s / My IKEA Lack enclosure

Posted : 14/10/2024 5:55 pm

For the buttons you can simply put 2 gcode files (btn_x.gcode where x is the input) into the "macros" folder on the USB stick - one only contains the code for setting your output to high and the other contains setting your output to low (M262 + M264 - see here).

Regarding temperature  I don't think this is possible as all control structures (if else ..) is evaluated in the slicer. But what you could do, is connect the output pin of a different micro-controller with temperature sensor to the input and then also call the gcode file for setting the output.

This post was modified 5 months ago 2 times by unclej84
Posted : 15/10/2024 2:44 pm
Active Member
RE: GPIO control based on printer hotend temp?

There is a gcode to set the hotend temp and wait. This you can add to the end of print and after it the gpio gcode

Posted : 19/10/2024 8:18 pm