[gpio board] not working with USB Stick but octoprint
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[gpio board] not working with USB Stick but octoprint  

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[gpio board] not working with USB Stick but octoprint


I have set up a test setup with an esp32. The gpio board is connected to an esp32 via the 2.5mm connector. I have written a test script which switches through pins 0-2 one after the other. If the gcode is executed from the usbstick, only pin 0 is switched high low. If I execute the commands individually or the entire gcode in octoprint then everything works as expected. The behavior is also the same with a measuring device instead of esp32. Everything works with octoprint. Not with gcode from USB. Can anyone help me further.


Here my script but I also tried minimized versions. No luck with pins 1 and 2. Just pin 0 working 



;Test GPIO Pins 0, 1, and 2 on MK4
M262 P0 B0 ; Set Pin 0 to output
M262 P1 B0 ; Set Pin 1 to output
M262 P2 B0 ; Set Pin 2 to output

M18 ; disable motors

M117 GPIO Test started
M264 P0 B1 ; Pin 0 low
M117 Pin 0 low
M300 S220 P500
G4 P2000 ; wait 2 sec
M264 P0 B0 ; Pin 0 high
M117 Pin 0 high
M300 S440 P200
G4 P2000 ; wait 2 sec

M264 P1 B1 ; Pin 1 low
M117 Pin 1 low
M300 S220 P500
M300 S233 P500
G4 P2000 ; wait 2 sec
M264 P1 B0 ; Pin 1 high
M117 Pin 1 high
M300 S440 P400
G4 P2000 ; wait 2 sec

M264 P2 B1 ; Pin 2 low
M117 Pin 2 low
M300 S440 P200
G4 P2000 ; wait 2 sec
M264 P2 B0 ; Pin 2 high
M117 Pin 2 high
M300 S440 P600
G4 P2000 ; wait 2 sec
M117 GPIO Test....

M264 P0 B1 ; Pin 0 low
M264 P1 B1 ; Pin 1 low
M264 P2 B1 ; Pin 2 low
M117 GPIO All low
M300 S220 P500
M300 S233 P500
M300 S247 P500
M300 S261 P1000
G4 P20000
M300 S440 P200
M300 S660 P250
M300 S880 P300

The M300 beeps are just for me to recognize the status while I was measuring with a voltmeter. So they could be ignored 

This topic was modified 2 hours ago by Käsekuchen
Posted : 27/10/2024 11:19 am