Weird seam due to insufficient deretraction with a 0.6 Obxidian nozzle?
So few weeks ago i built a MK4 from kit. Construction went well, everything seems to be doing fine, test prints came out flawless, been learning the ropes on how do big and small prints and. But i do run into something that leave me questioning if everything is right.
While the standard 0.25 and 0.4 nozzles are doing perfectly with the resulting prints being largely perfect. When i swapped the nozzle for a 0.6 Obxidian i have noticed that whenever significant travel occurs (particularly when going from one side of a large print to the other during layer-transmission). I get a cavity of sorts where the perimeter should start, suggesting the first mm there was no real extrusion (not enough deretraction?). I included a image below where it is noticeable. It seems to happen regardless of the filament i use, though i mostly use PETG.
Did notice PrusaSlicer specifically has some settings like "Deretaction Extra Length" and "Retract on layer change" that might have an effect. but before messing with those i'd figure i'd ask if there is something i should be taking a closer look at before And/or if this is a common thing. I'm currently using the stock MK4IS 0.6 nozzle profiles with no tweaks at present.
Picture of the under-extruded seam below. Here its most pronounced on the screw. On the other things it is far less pronounced if not just how a seam should look (small ridge).