MMU3 errors at initial purge
I'm currently trying to print with the MMU3 on the MK4. Once the last color is done with initial purge, the printer beeps and just stops. It literally just sits there doing nothing.
Here's the relevant Gcode for the print where it seems to be having the issue. Right around the "CP Priming End" portion
I'm running the most recent version of Prusaslicer
G1 Y36.260 E0.0190
G1 X230.000 E1.6818
G1 X229.250 Y36.760 E0.0343
G1 X185.000 E1.6818
G1 X185.750 Y37.260 E0.0343
G1 X229.250 E1.6533
G1 X185.750 F7200
M220 R
G1 F18000
G4 S0
G92 E0
G1 E-.7 F2100 ; retract
M300 S800 P500
M1 Remove priming towers and click button.
M107 ; disable fan
M486 S0
M486 S-1
G1 X109.763 Y178.841 F18000 ; move to first layer point
G1 Z.2 F720 ; move to first layer point
G1 E.7 F1500 ; ; unretract
M486 S0M204 P500 ; adjust acceleration
RE: MMU3 errors at initial purge
Nevermind I found the issue. Turning off the "prime all printing extruders" function seemed to get rid of the problem. Not sure why I can't prime them all, but that's the fix.