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LW PLA tips  

Eminent Member
LW PLA tips

hell0o to all, trying some LW pla and getting awful results.

polymaker prefoamed on a MK4 , dry boxed for a week before testing ,perhaps not dry enough yet?

no steam pimples or blips but getting a shit-ton of stringing/drooling  between  points/stations 

using the generic pla preset not sure about what param to adjust first. any suggestions appreciated.....

any suggestions appreciated

Posted : 31/07/2024 2:18 pm
Trusted Member
RE: LW PLA tips

I wasn't sure what prefoamed LW PLA was, so I looked it up on the internet.

"Foam / LW PLA (Light weight PLA) materials are designed to print light weight models for applications requiring a low density material. Some LW PLA materials are pre-foamed which means the filament is low density and the foam structure of the filament is inherited by the printed parts."

I have had no experience with this filament, but at least I know what it is now :). Sorry I can't be of any help.

Posted : 31/07/2024 9:14 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: LW PLA tips

Thanks anyway! Also discovered from the test piece I printed  , really poor layer adhesion the object breaks apart with no pressure along the layer lines , doesn’t seem to be fusing to the layer above and below , weird stuff.

people are using to print out rc aircraft because of the reduced weight but I can’t believe they are very durable from what I have experienced so far

Posted : 31/07/2024 9:25 pm
Trusted Member
RE: LW PLA tips

It will be interesting to see what experiences others have had with this filament. It seems like a useful filament for lightweight applications.

Posted : 31/07/2024 9:30 pm