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Interruption of supports and filling  

Interruption of supports and filling

I have a problem with the continuity of the filling and supports.

Walls and exterior layers are printed correctly.

Material - PETG (Prusament)
Settings - Default for PETG prusament (input shaper)
Previously models were printed correctly without any problems and defects.

Nozzle is clean.

The Photos show the problem:

Posted : 14/05/2024 10:26 am
Reputable Member
RE: Interruption of supports and filling

I am not the expert in this, but my idea: 
- When printing the supports and infill the filament flow is much less then when printing perimeters. If there is a partial obstruction in nozzle, or heatblock, this may lead to underextrusion. 
- Because of the lesser flow, it might be that the retraction does not work correct (slipping idler wheel) what causes under-extrusion at one moment and just after that oozing. 

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Posted : 14/05/2024 5:17 pm
Illustrious Member

Are you by any chance printing PETG at PLA temperatures?


Posted : 14/05/2024 6:41 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Interruption of supports and filling
Posted by: @eef

I am not the expert in this, but my idea: 
- When printing the supports and infill the filament flow is much less then when printing perimeters. If there is a partial obstruction in nozzle, or heatblock, this may lead to underextrusion. 
- Because of the lesser flow, it might be that the retraction does not work correct (slipping idler wheel) what causes under-extrusion at one moment and just after that oozing. 

Nozzle is clean, so flow should be correct, but i will check the retraction coefficient

Posted by: @diem

Are you by any chance printing PETG at PLA temperatures?


Nope, in 100% temperature is default for PETG.

Posted : 17/05/2024 6:20 am