How to print with 3D LabPrint PolyLight 1.0 LW-PLA
I have had great success using their slicer settings for the MK3. I then followed their instructions for manually adjusting the print settings for use on MK4.
After slicing, the expected print time for a part was over twice the time and half again the amount of filament for the MK4. I did not try to print the part.
Anyone have experience with this LW-PLA on an MK4?
3D LabPrint has been no help. They apparently think slicing for MK4 is the same as MK3.
RE: How to print with 3D LabPrint PolyLight 1.0 LW-PLA
I am having the same problem. I sliced using Prusa slicer but it doesn't have the original fill expected it is very Heavy. I did 12 hours worth of printing before I noticed.
I was going to try printing with Standard PLA
3d Print lab has not responded to me either. Maybe PRUSA can help us with this. As the prusa website is how i found out about the planes
RE: How to print with 3D LabPrint PolyLight 1.0 LW-PLA
I also sent their support an email on October 13th and never got a response...
Is it posible to just use the mk3 gcodes on the MK4? The biggest thing to take under consideration is the bed leveling I guess. Is that process incorporated in the gcode?
RE: How to print with 3D LabPrint PolyLight 1.0 LW-PLA
Has anyone found a source for help on this yet? It seems like everything I find is intended for the MK3S and I'm finding nothing on the MK4 (or MK3.5 which is what I have)
RE: How to print with 3D LabPrint PolyLight 1.0 LW-PLA
I just printed the Center Wing Section of the 3d Print Labs Cub on a MK4 using the 3d Print Labs GCode.
Caution: Because the GCode was not generated for the MK4, it didn't perform a bed leveling check and went straight to printing. Using the 3d Print Labs GCode could risk a bad crash into the printing plate. Use this GCode at your own risk.
The print worked well. Much better than I was getting on the MK3. Zero stringing.