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How to Prind a sphere or round shape ?  

Trusted Member
How to Prind a sphere or round shape ?


the other day i printed round rod , laying on its side for better strength. Printed with ASA. But the Bottom turned out very ugly and at the tip, the bottom was deformed.

As if the Support material was too high ??

Also at the length, were the rod touches the bed it wasn't round but was flat, about 4 mm wide.

 The slicer showed me only 2 lines there.

So, what would you suggest, how to tune the slicer settings.


( i printed the rod straight up the first time, but it broke quite easy)

Posted : 06/09/2023 9:04 am
Noble Member
RE: How to Prind a sphere or round shape ?

That's a limitation of the sytem. Overhangs over a certain angle will not print well and supported overhangs will always look rougher and uglier than unsupported mild overhangs. Decent results might be achieved for such a task with soluble support but you need a double extruder printer or at least an MMU for that (the latter is however a challenge in its own right).

To reduce the contrast between bottom layer and the rest, you can try printing everything on a raft. Doesn't make it much nicer but reduces the contrast between superflat first layer and rough supported layer. 

If you need the strength, you need to print it flat.  One option is to flatten either the bottom and for symmetry maybe also the top, und keep the sides curved but within the acceptable overhang limits. That might produce the nicest looking results. 

If you print vertically though, you can get nice roundness. Try PCTG, a material with superior layer adhesion. It might be strong enough even along z-axis. However it is also fairly flexible (similar to PETG, maybe a bit more) compared to PLA  or ABS. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Posted : 06/09/2023 10:24 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to Prind a sphere or round shape ?

Thanks for your answer. So it’s not only me 😛

i just ordered a spool pctg. Sounds promising

Posted : 06/09/2023 2:49 pm
Illustrious Member

If you need the roundness but with extra strength there are two options:

Split in half lenthways, print two 'upper' halves laying on the bed and join.

Or, in CAD, cut a square hole through the length of the cylinder at the centre, print the cylinder vertically and a square sectioned strengthening core horizontally, slide them together for the best of both worlds.


Posted : 06/09/2023 3:14 pm
carlmmii liked
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How to Prind a sphere or round shape ?

hi diem, that's a good idea. i'll try that too

Posted : 06/09/2023 3:52 pm