How to ensure same infill for all instances regardless of angle orientation
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How to ensure same infill for all instances regardless of angle orientation  

Alexander Hyperbeam
How to ensure same infill for all instances regardless of angle orientation

I'm printing a batch of a part and I want every object to have identical infill structures but I can only seem to do that when on the plate I'm orienting all of the objects in the same direction. I'm able to fit more of the part onto the bed when I rotate the objects are various angles but the infill direction is now different for each part.

How do I get each object to have the exact same structure without sacrificing bed space?

Posted : 21/03/2025 6:13 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How to ensure same infill for all instances regardless of angle orientation

Right-click>Add settings>Infill>Fill angle

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 22/03/2025 10:50 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How to ensure same infill for all instances regardless of angle orientation

As Foxrun says you will have to use modifiers and some math.  Infill angle is not tied to the part but to the bed.  So you rotate the part but the infill is generated relative to the bed.  If you rotate 1 part 15 degrees then you will have to use a modifier to offset the angle by the same amount.  Its probably better/easier to add the modifier to your original part and explicitly set the angle you want and then duplicate and manually rotate the others and note the angle you rotated by and then adjust the modifier.

Posted : 22/03/2025 11:27 pm