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USB File/drive corrupted during printing  

Trusted Member
USB File/drive corrupted during printing

I was printing something today and it hasn't been a pleasant experience.  When I first started my print, just as it was starting to perform the home setting, my MK4 crashed.  So I ended up restarting it.  Then later, at about 60% done, it then reported that the USB drive was not detected (I'm using the original Prusa drive that came with my upgrade to MK4).  I tried resetting the USB drive a couple times and resuming the print but it kept reporting the same issue.  I ended up copying just the file I was trying to print to a newer USB drive but it didn't like that either, so I ended up having to restart the printer and then I kicked off the print from the newer USB drive.

Initially before trying the newer USB drive, I tried to see if I could copy the files off of the Prusa drive, but opening it in my windows computer all it showed was what I'm showing in the attached image.  I'm not seeing any of the original files (from Prusa) or other files that I had on the drive.  Also noted that a .tmp file on the drive has a 5/9/2024 date on the file.  In PrusaLink, my MK4 is showing the correct date and time, so not sure what that file is.

Slightly before it gave the failed USB drive message I was trying to find the crash log from the earlier crash (using PrusaLink) so I could send it to Prusa, but it wasn't showing any 'non' bgcode files in the storage.  So while I was there, I decided to delete a couple files that I knew I was done printing them.  So I don't know if that's what corrupted the flash drive or not.  I've done that before (while it was printing) without any issues.

This topic was modified 11 months ago by JMHaro
Posted : 12/04/2024 7:19 pm
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: USB File/drive corrupted during printing


Posted by: @jmharo

I'm using the original Prusa drive that came with my upgrade to MK4. 

Well there is your problem. Unfortunately they are rubbish, I had a few fails caused by the USB stick which went away when I switched to a Sandisk

Posted : 12/04/2024 7:27 pm
Estimable Member
RE: USB File/drive corrupted during printing

I had a few fails caused by the USB stick which went away when I switched to a Sandisk

I've used Sandisk exclusively for SD cards and USB sticks for quite a while. Reliable quality.


Posted : 13/04/2024 1:15 am