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USB drives getting wiped out  

Mark Travis
Active Member
USB drives getting wiped out

I've had my Mk4 running for a few months with no problems. I always leave the Prusa-provided USB stick in the printer and use PrusaLink to add files to the print queue and start/monitor prints.

I upgraded to 5.1.0 a couple of weeks ago and have printed 6 or 7 2-hour prints since the upgrade.

All of the sudden, yesterday morning, I dragged a file on to PrusaLink and it uploaded, then told me the USB was full. I was surprised by that so I walked over to the printer to check the USB files and couldn't find ANY of my previous files. I shut off the printer, removed the USB and checked in on my main computer and it wouldn't even mount. I found another USB drive (16GB), checked it by mounting it on my computer and everything was in order. Plenty of space left. I added the file I was trying to print to the root directly, ejected it properly, walked it over to the printer, plugged it in, and turned on the printer. The printer booted normally, then showed the familiar 6-panel screen. I went through the menu to the USB drive and guess what.... no files. I moved the USB back over to my main computer and again, it wouldn't even mount. Nothing on the USB.

I checked the 4 pins in the USB socket and they all appear to be fine. No bent pins.

Not sure what to do next.... The attached file is all I can get out of it now after installing a freshly formatted (fat32) USB drive. The result is always the same... a wiped out USB drive that has to be reformatted to be usable.

Posted : 07/12/2023 5:03 pm
Honorable Member
RE: USB drives getting wiped out

Probably the USB drive "went to the eternal hunting grounds" 😒Unfortunately, this happens not only with MK4, but also elsewhere. Therefore, it is necessary to have a backup copy of the USB disk on the HD computer, and not store the gcode only on this USB disk.

Posted : 07/12/2023 9:07 pm
Zappes liked
Mark Travis
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

@miroslav-h4 It's not the USB drive self-destructing. This is a repeatable process with any number of USB drives. 

And, yes, I do store all .stl and .gcode files (now .bgcode files) on my computer hard-drive. 

Posted : 07/12/2023 9:14 pm
Mark Travis
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: USB drives getting wiped out

After spending a little more than an hour on chat with Prusa support, it seems my buddy board is defective and they are sending me a new one. Case closed for now. 

Posted : 08/12/2023 2:12 am
RE: USB drives getting wiped out

Hi, I've got the exact same problem as you described. The original USB stick was erased and same thing with the second one I tried to use for replacement. It work with the 3rd one, though.

However, the .ini file was lost and now I cannot connect to Prusa Connect anymore. How did it go for you, with the replacement buddy board ?



Posted : 12/06/2024 8:25 am
RE: USB drives getting wiped out

Před 2 měsíci se mi stalo totéž. Naštěstí mám zálohu v PC. Od té doby USB funguje dobře. MK4 mám od 10/2023 

Posted : 14/06/2024 11:57 am