Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
By now I witnessed my MK4 to stop mid print, and after probably 15 to 20 seconds it continues as if nothing had happened.
During the stop, the input knob is not responsive, just as if the controller freezes up.
Printer is running FW 5.1.2.
Is this a known issue? Something to worry about?
RE: Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
Is the gcode fully loaded on the card, or is it still streaming? Otherwise maybe the thumb drive is failing. if you leave the printer on 24/7, try powering it off for a minute or so, there may be some memory or process leaking in the os.
When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"
I transfer the gcode with PrusaConnect and as far as I can tell it is fully transferred before the print starts. Anyway, both times it happened at least 30 min. into the print. So I assume the file is fully transferred by that time.
Also, the input knob does not react as well, so I assume its "just" frozen.
I do not have the printer on 24/7. It usually gets turned off at least once a day. Between the 2 occurrences it was turned off at least once for sure.
I also just realized that I'm back to regular gcode, even tho I did switch over to bgcode recently. That's odd.
While on FW 5.0.0 I the USB Stick got corrupted a couple of times, but it did not happen anymore since I'm on 5.1.2
RE: Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
Have you found a solution yet? Mine has started doing this too, over the last few days. Using a new USB stick made no difference. Also on 5.1.2.
RE: Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
I just recently figured this out. It is an incorrectly formatted USB stick or a corrupt one. I used my linux install previously and used the wrong flags. On windows 10, reformat the stick using Rufus or windows format tool and make sure to follow the formatting instructions from prusa's documentation. I was trying to print a prusa provided g-code for the g2 belt meter from printables, and kept having it crash, thinking it was corrupted gcode. After a proper reformat no more issues. The print would previously pause in place for a good 20-30 seconds, then resume, and the interface was unresponsive for quite a while after resuming.
RE: Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
I'll try reformating my USB stick and try again.
RE: Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
Hm, my stick was formatted according to the guidelines and still has problems.
I'm also noticing some graphical glitches on the screen (eg hanging during startup, not showing icons until the knob is turned and then they appear over the loading screen it shows after startup). Bit worried the xbuddy is starting to act up? I even got a random BSOD from it the other day when I powered it up. Cycled the power and it was fine.
RE: Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
Indy, I wanted to see if you had any update on your situation? I have had a handful of prints that end up with what looks like a missing layer. Just today I saw it happen in person, the toolhead stops mid-print, the screen still operates as normal (I did notice that the percentage complete was static), then a glitchy flash of the screen and the print resumes.
I would hate to have a bad board as Prusa has already provided me with a new xbuddy previously, due to issues with my MMU.
RE: Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
Just ran into this, for the first time, today.... I was chatting with my wife, and saw the printer sort of randomly pause... melt a spot on a print.. and then continue like nothing ever happened.
MK4S, running 6.1.4
RE: Printer stops randomly mid print, then continues
I have the same problem.
I had a bunch of prints that seem to have weird layer somewhere mid print. I thought the problem was in the printhead and I messed something up during the build up.
But today I caught him doing exactly that, pausing without any apparent problem and not responsing to input. I pressed the reset button, but now that I'm reading this that would explain my problems.
Have you found a solution yet?
Greets Tobias