Nextruder print fan doesn't fully close
Unless you run the hotend wires (the heater and thermistor wires) perfectly, the Nextruder fan doesn't fully close.
Has anyone solved this problem? Sounds like the fan mount should have a bit more space than it currently has so it can close properly even if the wires aren't perfectly in. Looks like a Prusa engineering flaw.
Senior Life member of IEEE.
It happened to me too and I had wires between the nozzle holding gears and the heatsink
RE: Nextruder print fan doesn't fully close
For me it was also the wires not tucked into the too small channel they were designed to be in.
RE: Nextruder print fan doesn't fully close
This is a really bad design by Prusa. I am trying to get the original 3D model files from Prusa for the fan door and fan shroud so I can modify them. I tried to convert their stl files into files my CAD system (Alibre Designs) can use, and the converted file was full of holes.
If I ever get the model files, I'll print the fan door in PC and the shroud in PEEK.
Senior Life member of IEEE.