MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues
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MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues  

Active Member
MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

I built an MK4 from a kit about a week ago and have printed about 20 models with it. So far, I am extremely pleased with the quality of the hardware and the resulting prints. However, the firmware and web interface definitely need some help. I have noticed about six serious bugs so far, and I am creating one thread for each of them to start a discussion.

Issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

The MK4 UI includes a configuration menu with a page of settings related to PrusaLink. This page includes an Enable toggle, a username field (set to "maker" by default), a password field (a randomly selected 15-alphanumeric string), and a PrusaLink API key field. However, the options for PrusaLink authentication present a handful of issues that limit its usability.

Issue #1: It appears to be impossible to change the username to anything except "maker" - selecting the option produces no response. There is also no option to change it through the web interface.

Issue #2: It appears to be impossible to set the password. Selecting the option causes the printer to choose a new random 15-alphanumeric string, but it is not possible to enter a password via the printer UI or the web interface.

Issue #3: Logging into PrusaLink via the web interface occurs via HTTP basic authentication, in which the web page pops up a separate modal dialog box to receive the username and password. HTTP basic authentication is not compatible with password managers such as 1Password. Thus, the username and password must be manually entered every time (particularly frustrating when the password is a difficult-to-type 15-alphanumeric string). This limitation would not apply if the web interface used a more contemporary login method, such as displaying username and password fields in the web page and a Submit button.

Posted : 11/07/2023 4:54 pm
P. Larsen liked
Noble Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

I'm on windows it save my password 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 11/07/2023 9:34 pm
Noble Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

Google and brave browser

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 11/07/2023 9:35 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

Windows with Firefox must also enter the password each time

Posted : 11/07/2023 11:49 pm
Noble Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues


Posted by: @rainer-2

Windows with Firefox must also enter the password each time

Strange brand runs on Google system so maybe only Google saves password for it

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 12/07/2023 12:43 am
Noble Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

Oops I meant brave not brand

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 12/07/2023 2:11 am
Reputable Member

Chrome also lets you manually add a web address, login and password. That is what I did and it works to auto login.   

Also you need to set/lock the IP address in the router for the MK4/Xl so that it is the same all the time.   Most Wifi enabled appliances need a consistent IP address. 

Also Firmware 4.7.0 or newer.   4.6.4 had a lot of problems with PrusaLink for me.  

I have found that my Apple Ipads will not login after supplying the name and Password.  They just repeat the login screen.  I have turned in a PrusaLink bug on Github for that. 

Posted : 13/07/2023 6:32 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues


Posted by: @vhubbard

I have found that my Apple Ipads will not login after supplying the name and Password.  They just repeat the login screen.  I have turned in a PrusaLink bug on Github for that. 

Same behaviour here. It also repeats login screen on my MacBook and iMac. Entering "maker" plus 15 digit PW does nothing in my browser interface. PrusaLink fails 100% for me. Useless. 

Posted : 23/07/2023 11:59 am
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues
Posted by: @make68


Posted by: @vhubbard

I have found that my Apple Ipads will not login after supplying the name and Password.  They just repeat the login screen.  I have turned in a PrusaLink bug on Github for that. 

Same behaviour here. It also repeats login screen on my MacBook and iMac. Entering "maker" plus 15 digit PW does nothing in my browser interface. PrusaLink fails 100% for me. Useless. 

There are known issues with some browsers including Safari and Edge. On Mac, try Firefox, Brave or Chrome. On iOS/iPad, you may be stuck. Things like this give me a negative first impression of PrusaLink.

Posted : 04/08/2023 11:22 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

“Browser login” is one of of those super basic things. “Issues with some browsers” is a phrase that should have gone away with Internet Explorer.

I can get them slow-rolling Octoprint integration to ‘force’ people into their ecosystem; but the utter lack of basic Web UI standard functionality is insane.

Given Prusa’s emphasis on quality, they should be deeply ashamed of this. 

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Posted : 11/08/2023 11:45 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues
Posted by: @vhubbard

Chrome also lets you manually add a web address, login and password. That is what I did and it works to auto login.

I don't use Chrome's password manager because it is not secure. See this post for more info.

Also you need to set/lock the IP address in the router for the MK4/Xl so that it is the same all the time.   Most Wifi enabled appliances need a consistent IP address.

This is totally not true. I have about 50 "WiFi enabled appliances" on my LAN - NASes, 2D and 3D printers (running OctoPrint), thermostats, lights, cameras, smoke alarms, TVs... even a washing machine. Not one of them "needs a consistent IP address." All of them support DHCP and are happy using whatever 192.168.x.x address the DHCP server provides. You don't even necessarily need to know the IP address to access them from a browser - many of them also respond to name queries like "prusaprinter.local" regardless of their dynamically assigned IP address.

If access to PrusaLink or the MK4 web interface has this requirement, it's definitely not normal and definitely a problem.

Posted : 11/08/2023 1:38 pm
P. Larsen liked
P. Larsen
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

Same issues - the fact you cannot even add an SSL cert makes PrusaLink a non-starter. I'm still in my testing phase of my assembled kit, and my goal is to get my good old octoprint tuned for the MK4 (which it turns out Prusa has done their best to make has hard and impossible as they can). I'm not liking where this is going - Prusa you don't win by going proprietary. Just the opposite.

Posted : 13/08/2023 6:24 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

OctoPrint works fine with the Mk4.There is a minor issue with OctoPod Notifications, but the workaround is to set Max Temperature difference to 0.

Posted : 13/08/2023 8:51 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

One reason I upgraded to an MK4 from an Mk3 is to allow transferring printer files from the PC to the printer.  There is no reason I can think of that would require such a long password for Prusalink.  There is also no reason I can think of why I can't change the login.  Chrome's password manager, as suggested by vhubbard doesn't work for me, and the password is too easily generated and can't be undone.   I love the printer but this "feature" is very disappointing.   The password doesn't have to be too complicated since I use the printer totally on an intranet and the printer isn't assessable outside my router. 

I would like see: login name changeable and the password user definable, even no password at all required.

Posted : 02/10/2023 8:49 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

I have created a link with the following structure:

No, it doesn't automatically log you in, but I see the password in the URL and I can double-click it to copy it and then paste it into the box where it asks for the password.

Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Posted : 03/10/2023 5:16 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

ManelTo,  Great suggestion.  Good way to store the password.   May I also suggest you try editing the bookmark with the link changed as:

http://<login>:<password>@   ..... where <login> is maker and <password> is the MK4 generated password. 

for example,  http://maker:[email protected]

This is the standard way to enter the login and password for sites that require it.  This worked for me, at least when I tried it a couple of times, although I don't know if it will continue to work.  I discovered this after my first post, and I stand behind was I said.

Posted : 03/10/2023 7:10 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

Yes, I know that would be the standard way to connect to a page that requires login, but it doesn't work for me in Firefox or Chrome on a Windows system. That's why I looked for an alternative, and it only occurred to me to generate a bookmark and save it in favorites with the structure that I indicated in the previous post.

Posted by: @howardho

ManelTo,  Great suggestion.  Good way to store the password.   May I also suggest you try editing the bookmark with the link changed as:

http://<login>:<password>@   ..... where <login> is maker and <password> is the MK4 generated password. 

for example,  http://maker:[email protected]

This is the standard way to enter the login and password for sites that require it.  This worked for me, at least when I tried it a couple of times, although I don't know if it will continue to work.  I discovered this after my first post, and I stand behind was I said.


Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Posted : 04/10/2023 3:36 am
Active Member
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues

There is a way to make it work but you need to be very quick, on any safari based browser you need to login within 5 seconds. It is a known bug but frustrating. copy paste the PW does work though and with my iPad with an attached KB I was able to make it work. I agree this is really bad testing

Posted : 06/10/2023 8:29 pm
RE: MK4 UI issue: PrusaLink authentication issues


on the iPad there is an easy workaround, the app PrusaLinkiOS:

works nicely for me.


Posted : 11/10/2023 10:38 pm