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MK4 stop extruding midprint  

MK4 stop extruding midprint

Hi everyone,
I bought my mk4+mmu3 about 3 months ago and everything worked perfectly until a month ago when the printer stopped extruding mid print and I had to interrupt it. Since then I can't print anymore because the issue occurs in every print, even in the prints that I have successfully completed before. I'm using some Sunlu Pla+ and I'm printing it with a temp of 215°C but the issue is present even with a new spool of Prusament Pla.

Here are the list of the thing that i checked:

  • cold pull + cleaned the nozzle with a needle;
  • changed the filament from Sunlu Pla+ and tried a new Prusament Pla spool and also a Prusament Petg with their respective profile;
  • changed the thermistor and all the hotend;
  • checked the Idler screw tension of the extruder and the mmu3;
  • checked and recalibrated the extruder planetary gear;
  • checked and tested the fan;
  • reduced the print speed;
  • reduced the temp and also raised it (i cannot complete a temp tower but everything was printing perfecty at 215°C before the issue);
  • printed with retraction set to 0;
  • checked the room temp that is around 29°C and the heatbreak temp that is around 36-38°C while printing.

I'm struggling to find a solution of the problem. Does anyone ever had such problem?

Link to photo and video of the issue

Posted : 20/08/2024 12:51 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 stop extruding midprint

I hope this isn't a silly suggestion, but have you tried printing without the mmu3?

Posted : 21/08/2024 1:30 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4 stop extruding midprint

Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes i tried to print without the MMU3 but unfortunately I have the same issue

Posted : 21/08/2024 9:37 pm

Hi, I have exactly the same issue. I tried everything, even disassembly of whole extruder, and did not found anything. Were you able to fix the issue?

This post was modified 1 week ago by pysvejc
Posted : 02/09/2024 3:55 pm