Mk4 Loses Z-axis calibration after filament change
I have a very annoying problem with my Mk4. If I do a filament change or occasionally just try to print a file, it loses Z-axis calibration. Z-axis will attempt to determine the upper limit, which it completes. It then descends about 1/3 of the way and stops. It now repeats a cycle of slow down/fast up and comes back with an error "obstruction detected". Only way to fix this is a hard reset followed by auto-home. If I ask it do repeat the Z-axis calibration, it fails.
Where should I look? I've carefully checked the print head, and don't see any obstruction. It prints fine after this; it just loses calibration fairly often.
Make sure the cable bundle isn't hitting anything, check for debris in the lead screws.
RE: Mk4 Loses Z-axis calibration after filament change
I observed that a couple of times. And everything the filament somehow did „stop“ the extruder.
somehow the filament was hard to pull in those cases.