MK4 firmware issue: WATCHDOG RESET immediately after finishing a print
I built an MK4 from a kit about a week ago and have printed about 20 models with it. So far, I am extremely pleased with the quality of the hardware and the resulting prints. However, the firmware and web interface definitely need some help. I have noticed about six serious bugs so far, and I am creating one thread for each of them to start a discussion.
Issue: WATCHDOG RESET immediately after long print
Upon completion of an 18-hour print of a reasonably simple model (flexi dolphin), the MK4 raised a WATCHDOG RESET alarm and needed to be reset. This occurred within 30 seconds of finishing the print. (I was watching the progress of the print via the web interface and was heading to the printer to pop it off of the bed after completion when I heard it beeping incessantly and found the WATCHDOG RESET message.)
I understand the purpose of the watchdog alarm, i.e., to detect unexpected high temperatures and to reset the printer state in order to avoid dangerous runaway conditions. I also understand that this could occur after a print if the nozzle temperature does not cool down as expected. But there is no perceivable reason why this would have occurred in this case - the printer was printing garden-variety PLA at the standard temperature of 215, no enclosure, etc.
Also, it seems implausible that such an alert should be triggered so quickly at the end of a print, anyway. My interpretation is that the thresholds for the watchdog alarm are just too stringent and can cause false positives.
Frequency: This has occurred only once, but the severity of the issue warrants a report.
Software environment: The MK4 is running the latest firmware (4.7.0).
RE: MK4 firmware issue: WATCHDOG RESET immediately after finishing a print
You do realise that reports here do nothing? This forum is not monitored by Prusa support - you need to be posting this on their Github page.
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--
RE: MK4 firmware issue: WATCHDOG RESET immediately after finishing a print
Please search the forum and github before posting.
Regards Hello
Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out
You do have some excellent details, it appears. But as mentioned, the devs don't monitor the Prusa forums (typically), it's user-to-user. Bugs are handled via GitHub. You can submit issues there, if you'd like to report them so the devs know they are an issue. Search for issues first, there are currently 353 open issues, and duplicate issues are always an issue on any project, and take up developer time sorting out. If you see an open issue, then don't submit a new report but add additional info, if relevant, to the open issue.
RE: MK4 firmware issue: WATCHDOG RESET immediately after finishing a print
On the topic of the error though, I believe I'd have to disagree with you on the purpose of a watchdog. Watchdogs aren't to make sure temps are too high. Generically, watchdogs are piece of software that watch some other piece of software, and alarm if that other piece does not respond the way it's suppose to. This could be caused by interrupted communications, code that's maxing out the CPU and blocking other things from completing, etc.
If the temp was wrong, then it'd just give a temp alarm, at least I'd imagine. Not a watchdog alarm.
RE: MK4 firmware issue: WATCHDOG RESET immediately after finishing a print
This bug seems to be already there in older firmware versions: