Mk4 Displays Print Screen with Last File Printed at Power On
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Mk4 Displays Print Screen with Last File Printed at Power On  

Active Member
Mk4 Displays Print Screen with Last File Printed at Power On


I have 2 Mk4 printers, one with MMU3 and one without. At power on, the MMU3 equipped printer displays the Home screen as I would expect it to, whilst the Mk4 printer, without the MMU3, displays the Home screen initially for a couple of seconds or so, then changes to the Print screen, displaying the last file that was printed.

I've looked through the printer settings but cannot find anything that suggests it might control this behaviour. I find it annoying as I don't want to print the last file again (or very rarely want to).

Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Posted : 03/09/2024 4:28 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mk4 Displays Print Screen with Last File Printed at Power On

Turns out that this was a USB stick issue. When I swapped the stick between printers, the issue moved with the swap. I was using a Transcend 16gb USB2.0 stick, formatted as FAT32. Even though I reformatted the stick, the issue remained (although I did copy the existing previous bgcode files back to the stick). I tried a different stick with some of the same files and the issue has gone.

Posted : 05/09/2024 9:00 am
ssmith liked