MK4 damaging print sheet with nozzle / load cell
Just finished building my MK4 kit, and on the very first print the nozzle made these permanent divots / indentations in the print sheet while doing the load cell taps:
This is actual damage to the sheet, not just oozed filament blobs. I went through the setup wizard, and during the "tap the nozzle with your hand" step it didn't see my first light tap... it did see the heavier tap I made on the second try. Could my load cell be less sensitive than it should be, and thus jamming into the print bed too far?
The print itself came out perfect.
I'm running the latest 4.7.2 firmware, and all the self tests passed perfectly the first try.
This was one of the included gcode files on the flash drive (the prusa keychain), I didn't slice it myself. Could this be part of the issue, does the latest PrusaSlicer change the gcode for how these taps work to prevent this?
Tried to connect to support, but it's like midnight in Prague right now so the chat wasn't going through. I'll try again tomorrow. Hope they don't just tell me "it's fine", since this will mar every print from here on.
Anyone else experienced this issue, or have suggestions on how to fix it?
RE: MK4 damaging print sheet with nozzle / load cell
Update: I'm a total moron. It was just stuck filament blobs that oozed a little. It fooled me since they were extra firmly attached to the sheet, and my first attempt to scrape them off at 40-50 C didn't work. They also looked like divots with a raking light, but they scraped off fine once fully cool. Sorry for the false alarm.