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MK4 Crash
I have a problem with my MK4 printer. It sometimes does not start a print or stops midway through and freezes and can not be restated.
I am on firmware 4.6.4. will an update to the new firmware 4.7.2 fix this problem or is there something else going on here?
This topic was modified 2 years ago by gbaum
Posted : 06/08/2023 4:25 pm
RE: MK4 Crash
The I2C error was common when starting the printer with the 2.0.7 bootloader (I frequently saw it myself). It seems to be fixed in the 2.0.8 bootloader, which you will get if you update to 4.7.2.
I have not seen the "watchdog reset", so I can' advise on that one.
Posted : 06/08/2023 5:13 pm