Loud noises by extruder stepper motor - can't load filament
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Loud noises by extruder stepper motor - can't load filament  

Active Member
Loud noises by extruder stepper motor - can't load filament

Hi there, 

that's a first for me, but maybe something simple/stupid.

I printed with Filaflex TPU 82a today and the extruder motor started making loud, stuttering noises halfway through the print. 

I stopped & unloaded the filament. It was already tricky and seemed stuck. I tried to load standard PLA afterwards, but can't load the filament at all. The extruder motor always fights heavily. I can't see that the nozzle is clogged. 

What should I check/test to get back to a working state?!

Video: https://storage.googleapis.com/prusa3d-content-prod-14e8-wordpress-forum-prod/2024/04/762df743-vid_20240404_101014.mp4

Best Answer by Eef:

The extruder is blocked. Maybe the TPU is pushed in/around the gears? 

This topic was modified 12 months ago 3 times by nicvok
Posted : 04/04/2024 8:32 am
Reputable Member
RE: Loud noises by extruder stepper motor - can't load filament

The extruder is blocked. Maybe the TPU is pushed in/around the gears? 

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Posted : 04/04/2024 9:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Loud noises by extruder stepper motor - can't load filament

Thank you! That's what happened. But I couldn't see it at first as it was a single string which slipped beyond the gear and blocked it. I pulled it with a tweezers and it works afterwards. 
Any tip how to prevent TPU from slipping/blocking? Never had this with PLA, ABS or PETG...

Posted : 04/04/2024 2:41 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Loud noises by extruder stepper motor - can't load filament

There's a good thread dedicated to printing with TPU that includes hints and tips for this exact problem.

Check it out at https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/english-forum-original-prusa-i3-mk4-how-do-i-print-this-printing-help/printing-tpu-on-the-mk4/

Posted : 04/04/2024 5:41 pm
nicvok liked