How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions
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How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions  

Eminent Member
How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

In my case rattle noise was coming from nextruder area and and also flex was unprintable material.
After further inspection I've reprint with PC 0.15 layer, 4 parameter, 20% grid infll main plate and it did the trick. The one with the kit was in so sh** quality that I was mad on my self that i did not reprint it during assembly. Idler livers was bent from factory (warped during printing) so it seem that there is no QC the same goes for idler swivel and idler nut. It helped reduce flex jamming and definitely hep with removed jammed material.  Overall it looks like it was main plate issue.

mini+ [bondtech dual drive, revo, reprinted with PA11-CF and ASA] lives in photo tent.
mk4 upgraded to S with mmu3 and gpio (with some parts reprinted) lives in prusa enclosure.
Voron 0 ldo kit with dragon burner and…

Posted : 29/07/2023 8:24 am
Reputable Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

For flex you must lose the Tensioning screws with the springs on the extruder. Then it also works. 

Posted by: @str0gg

In my case rattle noise was coming from nextruder area and and also flex was unprintable material.
After further inspection I've reprint with PC 0.15 layer, 4 parameter, 20% grid infll main plate and it did the trick. The one with the kit was in so sh** quality that I was mad on my self that i did not reprint it during assembly. Idler livers was bent from factory (warped during printing) so it seem that there is no QC the same goes for idler swivel and idler nut. It helped reduce flex jamming and definitely hep with removed jammed material.  Overall it looks like it was main plate issue.


Posted : 29/07/2023 9:36 pm
Active Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

Do you have a clip of your rattle noise? My MK4 starting a squeaking/rattling noise after 6 days of peaceful printing.


Did it sound like this?

Posted : 06/09/2023 4:43 am
Active Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

I have a bit of rattling coming from the z threaded rods, more so on the right side where there isn't the extra weight from the motor.  There seems to be vertical play as the trapazoidial nut isn't completely captive.  If I pull up there's < 1 mm of play.  Is this normal? Anyway to fix this?


Posted : 12/09/2023 4:06 am
Estimable Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

I have this as well, but it's not "a bit", it's for half of the Z axis and it vibrates loudly during probing. Furthermore, each trapezoid nut I have has slightly different tolerances. One enters the plastic part by itself with a lil bit of play even, one is so tight I have to push it forcefully into the plastic and one is in the middle. Customer support's response? If the sound is not during printing then it doesn't qualify for sending me new nuts via warranty. Well what about buying them then? They're not available in the shop and CS cannot sell them to me outside of the shop. So I'm left with out of spec trapezoid nuts and I cannot acquire new ones even with my own money.

Ridiculous. I am getting tired of the constant issues with this printer.

Posted by: @c60nils

I have a bit of rattling coming from the z threaded rods, more so on the right side where there isn't the extra weight from the motor.  There seems to be vertical play as the trapazoidial nut isn't completely captive.  If I pull up there's < 1 mm of play.  Is this normal? Anyway to fix this?



Posted : 13/09/2023 11:08 am
Active Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

Are you talking about the fit of the trapazoidial nut into the Plastic printed part? If so that's probably more to do with the printed part and not the nut although you are saying each fits different, weird. It shouldn't really effect much as the screws make sure it's in place and aligned to the top part.   If you have play in the trapazoid nut to the threaded rods side to side (axially I guess)  then that is bad.  

Posted : 13/09/2023 3:21 pm
Estimable Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

No, about all tolerances. If a nut was entering the part easily, it was also tighter on the threaded rod. If it was hard to push into a part, it was way easier to spin on the rod and had a bit more play. I swapped the positions of the nuts a few times and even plastic parts and it was consistent - some nuts were simply bigger, some smaller.

Posted : 14/09/2023 12:05 pm
Active Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

That's unfortunate,  I'm not sure why they said you couldn't buy them though.


Posted : 14/09/2023 4:33 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

I also have this loud noise when moving the Z axis. You can hear it 2 floors down even. Nothing I have tried so far has helped.The statements from Prusa, are the same with me. If it does not occur during printing, it is normal. Also the Mk3 makes the noise and it is supposedly normal.On the ass is normal. Likewise, I have vibrating noises when I print normally, but I don't know where it comes from.

Posted : 15/09/2023 6:04 am
Estimable Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

Because I can't. Or couldn't, rather. The item you've linked lists MK4 as incompatible. The part doesn't show up under MK4 spare parts category. I was told by CS that the trapezoid nuts for MK4 are different and cannot be swapped with the MK3S+ ones (which I own, as I have both printers). Back then the item from your link did not have "MK4" written in the title.

I find this situation very confusing. So is it compatible or not? I was told by CS it was not and that they cannot be bought yet. If it's compatible after all then I'm really unhappy I wasn't told the truth, because now I'd need to pay 6eur in shipping just to get two small nuts instead of bundling it with filament. Fantastic...

Posted by: @c60nils

That's unfortunate,  I'm not sure why they said you couldn't buy them though.



Posted : 15/09/2023 6:35 am
Active Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

Strange, I see that on the header it says mk4, then it doesn't have mk4, and says not compatible.  I hope they'll stock the correct one once they get ahead of shipping out all the overdues,  but how frustrating.

Posted : 15/09/2023 6:05 pm
Estimable Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

I've asked support. It's apparently compatible now. I've also managed to convince them to send me those new trapezoid nuts via warranty, so we will see how it goes with the noise.

Posted by: @c60nils

Strange, I see that on the header it says mk4, then it doesn't have mk4, and says not compatible.  I hope they'll stock the correct one once they get ahead of shipping out all the overdues,  but how frustrating.


Posted : 16/09/2023 7:01 pm
Estimable Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

So, an update.

The trapezoid nuts arrived, they were labeled as MK3S nuts on the package. They are compatible with MK4, they're identical now. I've replaced them and lo and behold - the printer has never been this quiet. The upper half of the Z axis is very loud, louder than it was, but the lower half is incredibly quiet. No rattles, no resonances, no vibrations. The probing is also super quiet. This completely fixes my issues with noise, as I don't really use the upper half of the axis.

The new trapezoid nuts are a lot tighter on the threaded rods, they have a lot less play to the sides and up and down. The X axis wobbles less now. So if your Z is noisy and vibrating, if recentering nor new printed parts didn't fix it - it's most likely the trapezoid nuts being too much out of spec.

I am very happy with the current level of noise.

Posted : 22/09/2023 1:16 pm
Active Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

After a couple of months with my pre-assembled MK4 and putting together a kit version of the MK4 too, I found the x-axis started making a rattling/grinding sound. On inspection of the x-axis, I found a small layer-line split in the 'x-carriage-clip' holding the two linear bearings in place.

I printed another part and a couple of spares, re-greased the x-axis bearings, and fitted the new part. I think it's even quieter now as far as I can perceive, than when I 1st received it, so it might have been splitting during shipping with the varying extreme temperature changes in Europe and the UK during this Summer/Autumn.

An increase in 1st layers not sticking seems to be a symptom of this fault too.

Incidently, I always set my 1st layer print speeds to 10-20, regardless of input-shaping, for PETG. I'm not a fan of brims and only use them after failures for small parts and for long/wide prints. This gives the PETG plenty of time to adhere to the textured sheet, and any white marks on the face of the print that was in contact with the bed, I remove with a cheap Chinese hot-air station set at 350C.

Both machines running mostly reliably, bar the inevitable tweaks that come with Prusa's continuous development. I love it!

Posted : 29/09/2023 5:39 pm
Active Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

Hello, which component have you reprinted? I also have this strange noise with my Mk4. Do you have to dismantle the whole Nextruder for this?

Posted by: @meggsc

After a couple of months with my pre-assembled MK4 and putting together a kit version of the MK4 too, I found the x-axis started making a rattling/grinding sound. On inspection of the x-axis, I found a small layer-line split in the 'x-carriage-clip' holding the two linear bearings in place.

I printed another part and a couple of spares, re-greased the x-axis bearings, and fitted the new part. I think it's even quieter now as far as I can perceive, than when I 1st received it, so it might have been splitting during shipping with the varying extreme temperature changes in Europe and the UK during this Summer/Autumn.

An increase in 1st layers not sticking seems to be a symptom of this fault too.

Incidently, I always set my 1st layer print speeds to 10-20, regardless of input-shaping, for PETG. I'm not a fan of brims and only use them after failures for small parts and for long/wide prints. This gives the PETG plenty of time to adhere to the textured sheet, and any white marks on the face of the print that was in contact with the bed, I remove with a cheap Chinese hot-air station set at 350C.

Both machines running mostly reliably, bar the inevitable tweaks that come with Prusa's continuous development. I love it!


Posted : 02/10/2023 5:22 am
Active Member
RE: How to fix rattle noise, share your solutions

I reprinted the 'x-carriage-clip-r2.stl' part from Printables at:, from the section:

MK4/MK3.9 printable parts > Model files > X-axis and X-carriage.

Try this 1st:

Raise the z-axis to its uppermost position to give yourself easier access to the 4 M3 x 10 screws. Check them and tighten, if necessary, the screws in the stated order as described in the 'Original M4 kit Assembly' manual.

See if that eliminates the noise.

If it doesn't, print a couple of the x-carriage-clip-r2.stl parts in PETG at 250C. You can then replace the old one by fitting the rubber spacers and then tightening the 4 M3 x 10 screws as described above.

If the noise is still there, it may be that you need to lubricate the x-axis bearings. You can access the bearings without dismantling the Netextruder, but you'll have to dismantle the x-axis and partially the z-axis; I've done it a few times, but it's a bit tricky. Leave the Netextruder intact, but reverse the assembly of the x-axis as the manual describes.

I do this by undoing the following screws. Z-top (L&R) - 4 screws, both z-motors - 8 screws, both z-bottoms - 6 screws, 2 trapezoidal nuts - 4 screws, and the z-axis smooth rods. You should be able to remove the x-axis carriage by tilting the tops of the z-motors forward and sliding the x-carriage off the 2 z-axis motors threaded rods.

Release x-motor 3 screws, back off on the tensioner, and slide the belt off the GT2-16 pulley. Remove the pin and the GT2-20 Idler pulley, so the belly is completely free without having to make any adjustments to its length.

Slide off left and right sections of the x-carriage from the x-axis smooth rods. Now you can access the 3 x-axis bearings by removing the back cover of the Netextruder, lube them up as per assembly manual and make sure the bearings are aligned and in the correct orientations.

It can all be done without dissembling the Netextruder but it's a bit fiddly. Good luck

Posted : 02/10/2023 11:35 am