Help getting PETG off the smooth plate
I printed some pieces with PETG using the smooth plate, and now I can't get them off. They are really stuck. I tried all the usual things (like bending the plate, cooling the plate, etc.), but the pieces are really stuck and I can't get them off. I don't really want to scrape the pieces off because I don't really want to destroy the plate (but I might have too).
Does anyone know a trick to get stuck PETG off the smooth PEI plate?
Thanks in advance.
Senior Life member of IEEE.
RE: Help getting PETG off the smooth plate
I have not tried this myself but found this in the forum:
I think the damage's done. I'd stick it in the freezer overnight, and if it didn't come off the next day, I'd accept defeat and toss it (and use layerneer or magigoo next time).
With the caveat that I for one haven't used a smooth sheet in probably three years...
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Help getting PETG off the smooth plate
Even if you damage the one side of the sheet the other side is still good. I have 1 plate this way from trying to peel a still hot failed print off. So a lesson there too, don't try to peel a print off the PEI sheet while it's still hot.
I do use the smooth sheet for PLA because it sticks really well to it.
I use the satin sheet 95% of the time as I print mostly PETG, and I feel that the satin sheet is the best sheet for PETG.
I use the textured sheet the least, in fact almost never, because I don't like that the texture only ends up on 1 surface of the part.
RE: Help getting PETG off the smooth plate
The IPA trick worked for me (see the link in one of the replies). I squirted 99% IPA on and around the stuck part, and it loosened the part enough that I could peel it off using the side of a knife blade. It doesn't look like the smooth plte was damaged. Thanks to the comments here, I won't use the smooth plate for PETG in the future. I typically use the satin plate for PETG, but I am having trouble getting PETG to stick to the satin plate.
Senior Life member of IEEE.
RE: Help getting PETG off the smooth plate
The IPA trick worked for me (see the link in one of the replies). I squirted 99% IPA on and around the stuck part, and it loosened the part enough that I could peel it off using the side of a knife blade. It doesn't look like the smooth plte was damaged. Thanks to the comments here, I won't use the smooth plate for PETG in the future. I typically use the satin plate for PETG, but I am having trouble getting PETG to stick to the satin plate.
Just make sure the satin sheet is clean. The dishsoap and hot water is good and the IPA with a microfiber cloth between prints.
Also make sure the nozzle is clean at the start of the print. PETG can build up on the nozzle and mess up your first layer because it won't be probing correctly on the nozzle. I usually preheat the machine and hit it with a brass brush if there is buildup. Also having dry petg helps too. I don't get nearly the buildup I used to since I've printing directly from a drybox. Well with black anyways, some of the colored PETG makes a bit of a mess no matter what you do, especially white.
Good luck.
RE: Help getting PETG off the smooth plate
I use satin and textured roughly even, smooth never. For some of the stuff I sell, the textured just gives a more "professional" look with hardly visible lines. But the satin sheet is clearly the most versatile one.
but I am having trouble getting PETG to stick to the satin plate
What Brian said, soap and PLA are your friends. Having said that...
Never had an issue with my Mk3S's but since upgrading to Mk4S's I realized I need to sometimes adjust my live Z for PETG by -0.02 or so when the print starts, to get ideal adhesion. On the other hand, I'm one of those people seeing wavy patterns with PLA, so I need to adjust by +0.04 for PLA ☹️ And to make it even more confusing, none of this is necessary on my XL.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Help getting PETG off the smooth plateWhat Brian said, soap and PLA ayre your friends. Having said that...
What Brian said, soap and PLA are your friends. Having said that...
You mean IPA, not PLA.
Senior Life member of IEEE.