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E step calibration  

E step calibration

Hi, looking for a tutorial on how to calibrate e steps on mk4.

help please:)

Posted : 17/11/2024 4:07 pm
Honorable Member
RE: E step calibration

I honestly wouldn't bother. I've been down this road and there's not a good solution.  You can't accurately measure even with calipers how much material you actually fed.  

The steppers Prusa uses are good and from my experience consistent. 

If you want to calibrate your extrusion of start with measuring your filament diameter in a bunch of places and enter that value into Prusa Slicer.  Then print a small calibration cube in vase mode and measure the wall thickness.  If it's outside of your acceptable range then I'd recommend changing the extrusion multiplier. 

But honestly I print functional precision (as precision as you can get with fdm printing) parts and haven't changed anything from stock.  This is on multiple different printers. 

Posted : 17/11/2024 6:07 pm
ssmith liked