Do I need an ESP module?
If I assembled the printer myself, would I be able to use the Wi-Fi function? or do I need an ESP module?
There is NO error message. and the Wi-Fi icon is light gray. not full white. why?
If I assembled the printer myself, would I be able to use the Wi-Fi function? or do I need an ESP module?
There is NO error message. and the Wi-Fi icon is light gray. not full white. why?
First of all no you can use a Raspberry pi with octoprint or prusalink. It's grey because it's not receiving a signal because there is no module. Oh and you get an esp with the printer anyway if you didn't know that.
Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out
RE: Do I need an ESP module?
I don't know what the vote is for, this is a matter of fact. You do need a wifi module, whether you assemble it yourself or not. See
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Do I need an ESP module?
The Prusa Buddy Board does not have a Wifi module in its original state, so you will need to attach one. An alternative would be to install a Lan/Wlan-capable Raspberry Pi.
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