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Weird print issue after changing filament.  

Weird print issue after changing filament.

I have had my printer tuned and working nicely, printing flawlessly. Bought Prusament ASA black and red. Turned the black filament and did some great production prints. Then time for the red ASA, figured they should be near identical so copied my black settings to start fine tuning from that.
With the new filament I get stringing, the PA calibration test looks weird (nozzle scraping over the fresh print), at some point hear some clunk noises I can't identify, Start printing flow test and they look great until a specific layer when suddenly they become very rough and look overheated and over-extruded or something not seen this ever before and used these tests a lot on ever filament. The finished prints looks horrible.
First I thought that maybe the red just needed a lower temp and dropped it from the recommended I used with the black from 260/110 to 255/110, still not looking good so thinking something else is going on here, but can't figure it out.
Why would a great looking print turn to looking trash from one layer to another?
Not a great pic as taken on a working printer, but you can see the different in look and quality between the front row and back row. Is that some kind of hardware issue and what to look for?

Posted : 06/08/2024 2:49 am
Reputable Member
RE: Weird print issue after changing filament.

Prusa doesn’t makes different profiles for different colors of the same filament. As you assumed correctly, if your settings worked OK with black ASA, no need to change anything for red, I print often Prusament black and red ASA with the same parameters and quality (with one exception described at the bottom of this post ).

That said, there’s an important factor to consider : moisture.  If one spool has been exposed to humidity, usually there’s trouble ahead. Not so much with PLA, but other materials like PETG or ASA are way worse. Expect stringing, rough layers and so on. 

As it has been said in this forum many times, don’t assume that when you open a fresh spool from a sealed wrapping, the filament is perfectly dry, Not even reputable brands like Prusa can guarantee that. You don’t know where, how and since when that spool has been stored, or even if the plastic wrapping has a minor leak.

The symptoms that you describe with that red ASA could be moisture related ( you wrote  “with the new filament I got stringing” ), but the fact that it prints OK for a few layers and then suddenly becomes problematic, it’s quite puzzling. Usually the outer layers are more exposed to humidity and not the contrary.


Time ago, I wasn’t sure about the moisture condition of one spool of Prusament red ASA that hadn’t been used for months, so I put on my filament drier for many hours.  Possibly I “overcooked” that spool because the filament became extremely brittle. It  snapped just bending it with a slight pressure. Never seen anything like that before. The issue disappeared progressively as the outer layers of the spool where being consumed, probably because the inner layers had been less exposed to the heat of the drier.


Posted : 06/08/2024 1:33 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird print issue after changing filament.

I always run any freshly opened spool in the dryer for 6-8 hours when it arrives, and again before use if it's been stored.
This time (embarrassing) it turned out to be a very stupid user error. Instead of the Prusament Lipstick Red ASA I thought I was tuning I had managed to load up a roll of Prusament Lipstick Red PETG :X (And goes without saying that trying to use PETG with ASA settings is a no go)

Posted : 06/08/2024 3:28 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Weird print issue after changing filament.

I'm glad you figured it out.

I've done the same thing, more than once. Slice for one type of filament and print with another. It never turns out well.  Why can't the firmware check for that?

Posted : 06/08/2024 4:39 pm
Illustrious Member

Why can't the firmware check for that?

The printer can only know what you told it you loaded and what the slicer prepared the gcode for - to do more a spectrometer would have to be fitted to the extruder.

OR: Prusa could go the way of certain other manufacturers and insist you use only factory loaded cassettes of their own filament at an eyewatering extra price...


Posted : 06/08/2024 8:09 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Weird print issue after changing filament.

Anybody tried to print PC blend at PLA temperature ?.  I did and,  guess what ? click, click. click... goes the extruder.

It took two cold pulls before realizing my mistake. 😋 


Posted : 06/08/2024 10:10 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Weird print issue after changing filament.


Posted by: @diem

Why can't the firmware check for that?

The printer can only know what you told it you loaded and what the slicer prepared the gcode for - to do more a spectrometer would have to be fitted to the extruder.

OR: Prusa could go the way of certain other manufacturers and insist you use only factory loaded cassettes of their own filament at an eyewatering extra price...


 @diem, That is all I'm asking for. I told it I loaded PETG, and the slicer prepared gcode for PLA.  Why can't the printer alert me that there is a problem?

Posted : 06/08/2024 10:47 pm
Illustrious Member

Interesting: I don't have a Mk4 to check but the QL does just that...


Posted : 07/08/2024 5:31 am
Estimable Member
RE: Weird print issue after changing filament.

What is a "QL"?

Posted : 07/08/2024 10:31 am
Illustrious Member

A typo.


Posted : 07/08/2024 1:47 pm