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Which (if any) issues experienced….. Poll is created on Apr 26, 2023


MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]  

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Illustrious Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

Ok, everything that can be proven has been spot on... and there's like 17 or however many posts worth of stuff. Not a single thing has turned out to be incorrect. And some very specific and big things have PROVEN accurate.


AFAICT there is one user, posting on several platforms, who has made a number of claims, 17? yes, about that, but this individual appears to be trying to run some sort of manufacturing business with cheap hobbyist equipment and is peeved that it requires hobbyist levels of attention.

17 is  very small number of complaints especially as they are mostly issues that the majority of users won't even notice and which can be dealt with in post processing. Even so, expect most of them to evaporate in due course.


Respondido : 05/05/2023 12:06 am
sbellon y Selta me gusta
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]


Posted by: @jeremy-3

Prove it's wrong.  That's the general number that our account manager gave us, thus why it required such extreme measure of shutting down shipping.

They say here one should confirm that it is wrong, but can not prove the opposite themselves. For nothing their babble only bla bla

Respondido : 05/05/2023 3:04 am
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

You have merely made assertions. I can do the same.My good long-time friend who works at Prusa has confirmed to me that what you claim is false.I have therefore verified what you wrote. Here you go

Respondido : 05/05/2023 3:10 am
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

Sorry, but I just don't understand what's going on.

How many people are there with problems? Is it one person or two who continually repeat that they have problems? If so, he can't ask for the return of the printer? Is it better to indicate that nobody buys the printer because it has a lot of bugs? Is it a competitor's campaign? Are you just a very angry user who doesn't want or understand how to contact Prusa support? Is he a savior who wants to prevent all of us from avoiding the sin of acquiring an MK4?Do I have to cancel my order and buy a television?

Doubts, doubts, doubts... I'm confused

Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Respondido : 05/05/2023 8:19 am
Rainer y Clemens M. me gusta
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]


Posted by: @manelto

Sorry, but I just don't understand what's going on.

How many people are there with problems? Is it one person or two who continually repeat that they have problems? If so, he can't ask for the return of the printer? Is it better to indicate that nobody buys the printer because it has a lot of bugs? Is it a competitor's campaign? Are you just a very angry user who doesn't want or understand how to contact Prusa support? Is he a savior who wants to prevent all of us from avoiding the sin of acquiring an MK4?Do I have to cancel my order and buy a television?

Doubts, doubts, doubts... I'm confused

My printer has already been sent back to Prusa and I will get a replacement.It's just that someone makes claims without being able to prove them, but in turn demands that you check what he says. He throws numbers and claims around them that have neither hand nor foot. Just read through his contributions, better than any thriller.

Respondido : 05/05/2023 8:43 am
Yasar y ManelTo me gusta
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

Why did you have to return yours? Any of the mentioned issues?

Posted by: @cloud1983


My printer has already been sent back to Prusa and I will get a replacement.It's just that someone makes claims without being able to prove them, but in turn demands that you check what he says. He throws numbers and claims around them that have neither hand nor foot. Just read through his contributions, better than any thriller.


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Respondido : 05/05/2023 10:36 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

Guys lets stay open minded and not gang up on nay particular user. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you, but we all have the freedom to share our thoughts - what's clear and factual is that some printers have issues (whether that's a minority or not, no-one knows for sure), and Prusa have decided to pause and delay shipping for whatever reason. Whether that's a bit of a co-incidence or not is again opinionated at this stage, but we should all be able to air out thoughts openly without being shot down 😉

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Respondido : 05/05/2023 10:42 am
anza y MysticGringo me gusta
Reputable Member

>>Why did you have to return yours? Any of the mentioned issues?<<


See this post. 😉 

Respondido : 05/05/2023 10:42 am
iftibashir me gusta
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

Is anybody who voted able to post where the poll stands currently? I could vote to so I could see the results, but as I don't have an MK4, that would skew the results.

Burden of proof is always on the one making the claim. You can't prove a negative, so there is no way anybody can prove the 50% claim wrong because that was only said to you, Jeremy. I would say if you want to put all of this to rest, show your proof. Reluctance to do so makes your claims less believable. Also, the stoppage in shipping is officially stated for reasons other than what you claim. Perhaps it will result in the same outcome (perhaps you had a fault part that was made).

If parts change design, which would be necessary if there is in fact a design flaw, then it will be easy to compare as the parts have been on printables for a while, and will have new version numbers imprinted on them.

Crowd sourcing solutions is a good idea, but so far I don't see any crowd agreeing with you Jeremy. Perhaps I am wrong with that, if so, point me to the body of users who are having similar issues.

Respondido : 05/05/2023 11:27 am
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

I said the MK4 had a design flaw that was causing many machines to have resonance and print artifact issues.  Many others then came forward posting about their issues.

I said the issue was large enough that Prusa was going to halt shipments.  Then after a week of no shipments, people posted screenshots of support telling them that shipments had been halted for a week.

People questioned me so I stated that the support doc for how to send back your MK4s would be posted within a day, it was posted 2 hours later.

I said when shipments would start shipping again.  People got shipment notices starting that day.

I said the MMU was likely going to be delayed.  Joseph is on record as stating that's likely.

I said the Input Shaping is having issues finding common, generic values due to variances - that will only prove out over time.

Respondido : 05/05/2023 12:32 pm
anza y iftibashir me gusta
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

No offense, but all I can read in your post is "I said".

Well, "I said" for me is not a proof at all, sorry.

I am curious how it turns out once my kit arrives .....

Respondido : 05/05/2023 12:45 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:

Ringing / Ghosting - 5 Votes - 11.9%

Rattling / Noisy - 14 votes - 33.3%

No issues at all - 19 votes - 45.2%

Other (state in thread) - 10 votes - 23.8%


Note that I do not currently have my MK4 kit, so I voted 'Other' just to see the results.

If it changes drastically I'll update....

Posted by: @mysticgringo

Is anybody who voted able to post where the poll stands currently? I could vote to so I could see the results, but as I don't have an MK4, that would skew the results.

Burden of proof is always on the one making the claim. You can't prove a negative, so there is no way anybody can prove the 50% claim wrong because that was only said to you, Jeremy. I would say if you want to put all of this to rest, show your proof. Reluctance to do so makes your claims less believable. Also, the stoppage in shipping is officially stated for reasons other than what you claim. Perhaps it will result in the same outcome (perhaps you had a fault part that was made).

If parts change design, which would be necessary if there is in fact a design flaw, then it will be easy to compare as the parts have been on printables for a while, and will have new version numbers imprinted on them.

Crowd sourcing solutions is a good idea, but so far I don't see any crowd agreeing with you Jeremy. Perhaps I am wrong with that, if so, point me to the body of users who are having similar issues.


Click here for Original Prusa VIDEO BUILD GUIDES

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - Accelerometer Guide <--

Respondido : 05/05/2023 12:50 pm
anza y MysticGringo me gusta
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:

oops - apologies....mod, please delete post!

Click here for Original Prusa VIDEO BUILD GUIDES

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - Accelerometer Guide <--

Respondido : 05/05/2023 12:57 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

Thanks Jeremy... but there are a few issues with your statements. Correlation is not causation... and it appears that you're correlating some things to support your problems are the cause.

First, you state a design flaw... yet no evidence of a design flaw... just others that have issues. "Many others" with by evidence above means 14 others... which isn't many. And these issues can be assembly problems, or part defects... not design flaw. Very big difference.

Halting shipments is explained by supply chain issues, including their own ability to provide parts. Perhaps that stems from a bad batch of filament used to print the parts. Halting shipments is NOT evidence of design flaw... and knowing of them halting shipments prior to doing it means they informed you of just that.

Prusa always prepares a "how to return your product" support document. Again, correlation does not equal causation.

Restarting shipments means that your support person told you they would. In fact, them restarting shipments supports the idea that it was not a design flaw... otherwise the people with issues would have new parts shipped to them, or link pointed to where they can print it themselves. This hasn't happened, leading me to believe Prusa had supply chain issues as they stated.

I think everybody knew the MMU would be delayed. The MMU is not their focus currently, production of MK4s is much higher priority.

Input shaping is the same... that has been discussed to death, and again not proof of anything.

If you said that 50% of machines have "design issues" that cause the exact same problem you are having, where is the screen capture, transcript or any other proof? This poll is so far the closest thing to proof we have that your problem is in fact NOT affecting 50%. If Prusa found a design flaw, updated the design, printed the parts, restarted the shipping process, then surely the Printables link to the MK4 parts would also be updated.

All you've proven is that you have a close tie to support and talk to them daily, but not provided proof of said design flaw. I'm sorry, but this doesn't count. I initially supported you because I felt your intentions were to have the community help with resolving the issues you were having, or bring voices forward that were experiencing the same, but that is changing based solely on your own responses. 

Either way... it doesn't really matter to me. 

Posted by: @jeremy-3

I said the MK4 had a design flaw that was causing many machines to have resonance and print artifact issues.  Many others then came forward posting about their issues.

I said the issue was large enough that Prusa was going to halt shipments.  Then after a week of no shipments, people posted screenshots of support telling them that shipments had been halted for a week.

People questioned me so I stated that the support doc for how to send back your MK4s would be posted within a day, it was posted 2 hours later.

I said when shipments would start shipping again.  People got shipment notices starting that day.

I said the MMU was likely going to be delayed.  Joseph is on record as stating that's likely.

I said the Input Shaping is having issues finding common, generic values due to variances - that will only prove out over time.


Respondido : 05/05/2023 1:39 pm
Cloud1983 me gusta
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

My Printer makes loud noise at First Layer like a saw. 

Posted by: @iftibashir

Why did you have to return yours? Any of the mentioned issues?

Posted by: @cloud1983


My printer has already been sent back to Prusa and I will get a replacement.It's just that someone makes claims without being able to prove them, but in turn demands that you check what he says. He throws numbers and claims around them that have neither hand nor foot. Just read through his contributions, better than any thriller.



Respondido : 05/05/2023 3:42 pm
Estimable Member

Exactly as you describe it is correct. And exactly in such a way I see it also.Only allegations are made but no evidence is provided. Screenshots, transcripts etc. would be the first thing I would do in such a situation.I would also like to know which people are supposed to have contacted him. He can't answer that either. And whenever he answers, it's the same meaningless answers.

Posted by: @mysticgringo

Thanks Jeremy... but there are a few issues with your statements. Correlation is not causation... and it appears that you're correlating some things to support your problems are the cause.

First, you state a design flaw... yet no evidence of a design flaw... just others that have issues. "Many others" with by evidence above means 14 others... which isn't many. And these issues can be assembly problems, or part defects... not design flaw. Very big difference.

Halting shipments is explained by supply chain issues, including their own ability to provide parts. Perhaps that stems from a bad batch of filament used to print the parts. Halting shipments is NOT evidence of design flaw... and knowing of them halting shipments prior to doing it means they informed you of just that.

Prusa always prepares a "how to return your product" support document. Again, correlation does not equal causation.

Restarting shipments means that your support person told you they would. In fact, them restarting shipments supports the idea that it was not a design flaw... otherwise the people with issues would have new parts shipped to them, or link pointed to where they can print it themselves. This hasn't happened, leading me to believe Prusa had supply chain issues as they stated.

I think everybody knew the MMU would be delayed. The MMU is not their focus currently, production of MK4s is much higher priority.

Input shaping is the same... that has been discussed to death, and again not proof of anything.

If you said that 50% of machines have "design issues" that cause the exact same problem you are having, where is the screen capture, transcript or any other proof? This poll is so far the closest thing to proof we have that your problem is in fact NOT affecting 50%. If Prusa found a design flaw, updated the design, printed the parts, restarted the shipping process, then surely the Printables link to the MK4 parts would also be updated.

All you've proven is that you have a close tie to support and talk to them daily, but not provided proof of said design flaw. I'm sorry, but this doesn't count. I initially supported you because I felt your intentions were to have the community help with resolving the issues you were having, or bring voices forward that were experiencing the same, but that is changing based solely on your own responses. 

Either way... it doesn't really matter to me. 

Posted by: @jeremy-3

I said the MK4 had a design flaw that was causing many machines to have resonance and print artifact issues.  Many others then came forward posting about their issues.

I said the issue was large enough that Prusa was going to halt shipments.  Then after a week of no shipments, people posted screenshots of support telling them that shipments had been halted for a week.

People questioned me so I stated that the support doc for how to send back your MK4s would be posted within a day, it was posted 2 hours later.

I said when shipments would start shipping again.  People got shipment notices starting that day.

I said the MMU was likely going to be delayed.  Joseph is on record as stating that's likely.

I said the Input Shaping is having issues finding common, generic values due to variances - that will only prove out over time.



Respondido : 05/05/2023 4:03 pm
New Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

No idea if they was a design flaw or they just wanted to save a screw

while waiting for the mk4 kit's to dispatch i have been watching most of the unboxings and on the last couple i have watched i have noticed that there is now only 3 screws in the nextruder front cover compared to 4 in the first unboxings i watched

the bottom left of the cover no longer a screw and there is no hole either so its not just missing

noticed this on Chris Riley's unboxing and Uncle Jessy's second unboxing where his first unboxing had all 4 screws

Respondido : 07/05/2023 10:59 am
iftibashir, anza y ManelTo me gusta
Estimable Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]

Well seen! I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it.


One video with only three screws:

tada 3d


Posted by: @knc

No idea if they was a design flaw or they just wanted to save a screw

while waiting for the mk4 kit's to dispatch i have been watching most of the unboxings and on the last couple i have watched i have noticed that there is now only 3 screws in the nextruder front cover compared to 4 in the first unboxings i watched

the bottom left of the cover no longer a screw and there is no hole either so its not just missing

noticed this on Chris Riley's unboxing and Uncle Jessy's second unboxing where his first unboxing had all 4 screws


Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Respondido : 07/05/2023 11:22 am
Trusted Member

Good catch. I wonder if it's an assembly issue... behind the plastic cover is a metal frame holding the gears, and they found it was easier to assemble if they could put one screw into that frame before putting the plastic cover on. Maybe the frame was slipping out or falling away during assembly.

Posted by: @knc

No idea if they was a design flaw or they just wanted to save a screw

while waiting for the mk4 kit's to dispatch i have been watching most of the unboxings and on the last couple i have watched i have noticed that there is now only 3 screws in the nextruder front cover compared to 4 in the first unboxings i watched

the bottom left of the cover no longer a screw and there is no hole either so its not just missing

noticed this on Chris Riley's unboxing and Uncle Jessy's second unboxing where his first unboxing had all 4 screws


Respondido : 07/05/2023 1:04 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK4 Current Owners - Issues? [POLL]


Posted by: @knc

No idea if they was a design flaw or they just wanted to save a screw

while waiting for the mk4 kit's to dispatch i have been watching most of the unboxings and on the last couple i have watched i have noticed that there is now only 3 screws in the nextruder front cover compared to 4 in the first unboxings i watched

the bottom left of the cover no longer a screw and there is no hole either so its not just missing

noticed this on Chris Riley's unboxing and Uncle Jessy's second unboxing where his first unboxing had all 4 screws


interesting.  Good observation.  Would be interesting to know the reason for that change!

Respondido : 07/05/2023 3:19 pm
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