Fast delivery!
I ordered on Feb 1st, it shipped Feb 5th and arrived today, Feb 9th! Shipped to Eastern, Washington USA, so fast!
I'm putting it together tomorrow but my wife already claimed the gummy bears! Not a bad trade, for me. 🙂
RE: Fast delivery!
You won't hear that from me! This machine is very high quality. I'm only about 1/3 done as I haven't had much spare time but the entire build process is a lot of fun. I don't get complaining about something for your own lack of ability, it's like buying a guitar and calling it crap because you can't play it like Eddy Van Halen! 🙂
RE: Fast delivery!
In the meantime watch through the build guide in my sig so you know what to expect during your build!
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--
RE: Fast delivery!
I watched your video a couple of times before I placed the order! Thanks for all your hard work on that series! As I assembly I follow the online assembly manual and watch your video as I go to make sure I really understand the instructions. It's been super helpful. Today I finished up the Nextruder! I have to take a break from the build as I'll be out of town but can't wait to get it done. Thank you so very much for those videos! I'm having a blast putting it together... I'm almost sad to see that it's about done. 🙂
Thanks again!
In the meantime watch through the build guide in my sig so you know what to expect during your build!
RE: Fast delivery!
That’s exactly why I created them and how I intended for others to use them! Glad they helped! 😉
I watched your video a couple of times before I placed the order! Thanks for all your hard work on that series! As I assembly I follow the online assembly manual and watch your video as I go to make sure I really understand the instructions. It's been super helpful. Today I finished up the Nextruder! I have to take a break from the build as I'll be out of town but can't wait to get it done. Thank you so very much for those videos! I'm having a blast putting it together... I'm almost sad to see that it's about done. 🙂
Thanks again!
In the meantime watch through the build guide in my sig so you know what to expect during your build!
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--
RE: Fast delivery!
I've been in and out of town but finally got my MK4 fully assembled! Following the assembly guide + @iftibashir awesome video guide was all it took. I was really worried about the belt tension but every self test passed on the first try. It took closer to 16 hours for me as I had to spread it out over several weeks but what a fun experience! I was sort of sad when I finished the build... kind of like a good book that you don't want to end. 🙂 Now I need to learn how to print and design something. 🙂
RE: Fast delivery!
BTW, I only ordered the MK4 kit and there wasn't any import duties into the USA.
RE: Fast delivery!
in France u place ur order at 10:40 am , it's hipped at 13:40 pm by fedex in hand 😀
RE: Fast delivery!
I'm a little farther away than France but I placed another order for the other print sheets last night and they shipped this morning.. shipping cost was reasonable too! I really want to order the enclosure so it's actually a good thing I'm far away, if I could get it next day I think I'd have already ordered it! 🙂
RE: Fast delivery!
I'm a little farther away than France but I placed another order for the other print sheets last night and they shipped this morning.. shipping cost was reasonable too! I really want to order the enclosure so it's actually a good thing I'm far away, if I could get it next day I think I'd have already ordered it! 🙂
Its easy to get sucked into the rabbit hole! Only order what you need for now and get started - then order additional accessories IF or when you need them!
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--