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disappointed even before receiving the printer.  

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Eminent Member
RE: disappointed even before receiving the printer.

The print quality of the K1 looks like dogshite, if that's of any help. VFAs, bad ripple etc.

In comparison, my MK4 prints better than any printer I had previously.

Posted by: @zetaz

I'm still waiting for my kit (I had to postpone the delivery due to holidays) and I admit to hesitating to cancel the order when I see the technological leap of competition. I'm not talking about bambulabs, of which we don't know the reliability of the brand over time, but about the new creality k1 max. Network, wifi (which works), lidar, integrated accelerometer) box and much higher speed (even once the input shaping is out)but the point that bothers me the most is the lack of a camera. My old mk3s+ had a very handy beagle print camera and there is nothing for the mk4.

in short, I am disappointed even before receiving the printer.

am I the only one in this situation ?


Veröffentlicht : 12/07/2023 1:51 pm
RE: disappointed even before receiving the printer.

I have several friends with a bambu (x1c and p1p) and I've used them and the MK4. So far the MK4 is a better quality printer despite being slower, but if there is no webcam or octoprint / similar for the MK4, I'm going to be very dissappointed in this purchase in the next few months. There is the prusa cloud service but I shouldn't be locked into that. 

Veröffentlicht : 13/07/2023 5:01 pm
Active Member
RE: disappointed even before receiving the printer.

The print quality of the x1c and p1p is better than the MK4 if you print at the MK4 slow speeds.  


I got an MK4 kit and I regret my decision. The ringing is dogshit compared to a Corexy.


The lack of light under the nozzle, lack of cam, dreadfully slow wifi, lack of control via prusalink (can't preheat the bed remotely for example) and still lack of stable input shaper serveral months after release is annoying. No, I'm not installing an alpha buggy mess that has tons of layer shifts.   


The USB drive that it comes with is shit slow too, and for some reason the printer won't read any of my 32GB USB 3 drives. There's only one USB port so hope is low for extendability.


Yeah a cam is not necessary but is nice to get a timelapse out of every print. Ocroprint looks horribly outdated, is a pain to setup and doesn't work well with the MK4. Besides, if I wanted to tinker for hours on a printer to get it to work, I would've bought an ender 3.



Even as a slow "detailed" printer, I haven't been impressed either. My Voron V0 produces higher detailed prints with less ringing and faster.


The zero tuning bed leveling is nice, but the Bambu printers also already do that.


I wish I would've cancelled my order. I hit the purchase button because I was hyped by the Nextruder. It's good I'm not going to say it's not, but the whole package looks lacking compared to the competition

Veröffentlicht : 16/07/2023 9:24 am
iftibashir gefällt das
Eminent Member
RE: disappointed even before receiving the printer.


Veröffentlicht : 16/07/2023 9:25 am
Chris Hill
Estimable Member
RE: disappointed even before receiving the printer.


Posted by: @snow-2

The ringing is dogshit compared to a Corexy.

No, I'm not installing an alpha buggy mess that has tons of layer shifts.   

I'm running alpha3, and I don't see any ringing or layer shifts, and I haven't encountered any bugs.  All I see is the significant reduction in print times - a lot less than half the time for some prints.  I'm very impressed with the print quality, which seems to be maintained consistently, even at the top of prints where the machine is noticeably shaking.

Veröffentlicht : 16/07/2023 8:33 pm
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