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Delivery date  

New Member
Delivery date


I know that Prusa team is busy with the new releases but is it possible to have a date estimation for the delivery?
With the order number and the number of shipments per day, it may be easy to calculate a date or at least communicate about the progression of the shipments.

Thank you. Regards.

PS: sorry for my bad english, not my native langage.

Posted : 17/04/2023 9:51 am
Prominent Member
RE: Delivery date

Two thing’s I don’t like about Prusa. 

One is the marketing of new features, but then not having them implemented in the product on launch, and taking months to have that said feature even ready for roll-out. I can see the release of Input Shaper being like this. If they have been testing printers in their print farms to the past year, you would think they would have it cracked by now. I dread to think how much longer it will be. 

Second thing I don’t like is their ordering and delivering process - basically being kept in the dark with no estimated dates or timescales other than ‘Late May’ or ‘Processed in July’, etc. Again, being the size they are and how many printers they shift, you’d think they would have this sorted by now. 

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Posted : 17/04/2023 5:57 pm
Gregory Verba, Nosfe, CyclonEngr and 1 people liked
Active Member
RE: Delivery date

I work for an e-commerce company, and have worked for others in the past. Unless their raw materials suppliers are playing the same guessing game with them that they are playing with us, there is absolutely no reason for them to not know shipping dates within a reasonable margin of error +/- a few days. All of this should have been able to be forecasted with a high level of accuracy barring any unforeseen circumstances, so either their suppliers aren’t meeting their demand, Prusa doesn’t know how to accurately forecast, or they just don’t feel like communicating expectations because they know chances are for any of the above reasons they might not be able to meet them. It’s very possible like many small companies which grew rapidly due to their success that they just lack the expertise of proper logistics, analysis and forecasting. Hopefully they get there some day, otherwise it’ll be their downfall.


Posted : 17/04/2023 10:24 pm
Nosfe liked