Buddy Board Mod... This is probably a stupid question but....
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Buddy Board Mod... This is probably a stupid question but....  

John Johnson
Active Member
Buddy Board Mod... This is probably a stupid question but....

With the Buddy Board being open-source, I saw that board schematics, which I'm just an idiot about that, but, what I was wondering is.... It's obvious the Buddy Board with wifi is running a web server and is serving up PrusaLink.  That tells me there's probably some storage on that board. 

Shouldn't access to the board be open source as well?  Shouldn't I be able to ssh into the board (yes, I tried and it just times out)?  And if so, why couldn't I just replace the PrusaLink with OctoPrint until PrusaLink gets usable or, at a minimum, maybe customize the page.  I guess I just expected that along with the board hardware being open source, it would also allow connectivity to open source update or replace the software.  Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, or, maybe I just need to sit in the corner and shut up.  🙂

Posted : 13/02/2024 12:00 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Buddy Board Mod... This is probably a stupid question but....

Both the Buddy, and X Buddy boards have an appendix, 

Prusa generated firmware has to be 'Signed' (OEM Approved) to work with the appendix in position

If you wish to 'roll your own' firmware, it will not be 'Signed' and you need to break the appendix. 

which I believe breaks the warrantee on the Buddy or X Buddy board. 

so if you want to try and replace Prusa link with Prusa XBuddy hosted Octoprint,  then you are on your own... 

Another point to consider is, if you modify this version of Mk4 (3.5) firmware, you will need to re work every successive firmware if you want new features. Is it worth it?   


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 13/02/2024 1:02 am
John Johnson
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Wasn’t thinking anything that drastic, but it does bring up another question. Why would a web server and content be part of the firmware?  Basically, that would be mixing firmware code with a user app. I doubt that’s the case as any http vulnerability would compromise firmware and I’ve never heard of firmware and http content together. 

What I’m assuming is that there’s a small storage pool running http services and content and I’m cool if that’s closed source, but I was just interested if we could add our own mods, or even contribute to the project. It can use a lot of help. 

This post was modified 1 year ago by John Johnson
Posted : 13/02/2024 1:40 am
Noble Member
RE: Buddy Board Mod... This is probably a stupid question but....


Posted by: @john-johnson

With the Buddy Board being open-source, I saw that board schematics, which I'm just an idiot about that, but, what I was wondering is.... It's obvious the Buddy Board with wifi is running a web server and is serving up PrusaLink.  That tells me there's probably some storage on that board. 

Shouldn't access to the board be open source as well?  Shouldn't I be able to ssh into the board (yes, I tried and it just times out)?  And if so, why couldn't I just replace the PrusaLink with OctoPrint until PrusaLink gets usable or, at a minimum, maybe customize the page.  I guess I just expected that along with the board hardware being open source, it would also allow connectivity to open source update or replace the software.  Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, or, maybe I just need to sit in the corner and shut up.  🙂

This would be somthng to ask the devs on github.

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models

Posted : 13/02/2024 2:16 am