5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
- Cancel Object (MINI)
- Nozzle diameter in Selftest (XL)
- Wipe tower info added (XL)
- Sending crash dumps to Tech support
- New bootloader 2.3.4
- Firmware flashing updated
- Bug fixes
This is a stable release of the firmware 5.1.2 for MK4/MK3.9, XL and MINI/MINI+ with several improvements. It is a direct successor to 5.1.0 and is recommended for all users.
IMPORTANT FOR XL users: After this update, you need to confirm your nozzle diameter as part of the self-test. This applies to both new and already calibrated printers. For calibrated printers, navigate to Control -> Calibration & Tests -> Nozzle Diameter Confirmation.
Cancel Object (MINI/MINI+)
The previous release brought a highly requested cancel object function to the MK4 and XL. This release adds support for MINI/MINI+. During a running print, you can open the “Tune menu -> Cancel Object” and select an object that you wish to stop printing (but you can also resume it, in case you select an incorrect one). The print will continue running and any G-code commands related to the canceled object will be ignored. This is perfect for cases where you’re printing many objects at once and one of them gets loose on the build plate.
Nozzle diameter in Selftest (XL)
During the initial calibration of your XL, you can now select your nozzle diameter. The available options are 0.4 mm or 0.6 mm, and the selected diameter will be applied to all available print tools. If necessary, you can always modify the nozzle diameter later in the printer's menu.
Wipe tower info added (XL)
We've added new details about the material usage on the wipe tower into the print statistics, which are displayed on the screen as a final summary at the end of each print. Please ensure that you slice your model using PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 or a later version.
Sending crash dumps to Tech support
In the event of a system crash, a memory dump is created. You can download this crash dump on a USB drive and send it to Prusa Research tech support for further investigation. The file may contain sensitive unencrypted information, therefore we strongly recommend sending the file directly to reports@prusa3d.com and avoiding uploading the file to any public cloud storage or sharing it on social networks.
New bootloader 2.3.4
This release updates the bootloader to version 2.3.4 for all printers (XL, MK4/MK3.9, MINI/MINI+), addressing manufacturing requirements, particularly in the initial firmware flashing stage.
Firmware flashing updated
In line with the bootloader update, the firmware has also been updated to improve the flashing procedure. The communication between the board and the flashing station is now done through UART.
Bug fixes
PrusaLink fix for Safari
A big thanks to user @pyrho, who reported an issue with logging into PrusaLink on Safari browser (issue #3287) and also managed to find the culprit. The initial valid period for the HTTP Digest Auth nonce was too short for Safari (5 seconds). Starting this release logging in on Apple devices should work without issues
Error 13604 fixed
A bug found in the firmware release 5.1.0 affects MINI, MK4/MK3.9, and XL printers. If a USB drive is connected during startup, the printer may keep asking for a firmware file (.bbf) and display error message #13604. This issue has been identified and fixed in the current release.
/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Is it just me or error 13604 is not fixed in 5.1.2? I still get this error occasionally…
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
same here, I've noticed that strange error happens very often on 5.1.2
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Using "Cancel Object" relies upon a specific settings in Prusa Slicer to work, specifically, Print Settings > Output Options > Label Objects needs to be set to "Firmware Specific". If this is not the case then "Cancel Object" is not available for selection in the printer menu when the file is printing and its because the different objects are not labelled by the slicer in a way that is recognised by the printer firmware.
This requirement is not documented in the release notes and it Ought to Be !!
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
The general case is that firmware release notes ought to be far more comprehensive than we generally see, and that is because it can take quite some time before user guide and other documentation is made available for users. So, firmware comes out with "some new Feature" and nobody knows how it should be used, and we see a flurry of folks contacting support to find out, who themselves do not know.
What is required:
a) a step by step instruction on how to use the feature.
b) an indication of preconditions needed, such as specific settings in the slicer.
c) an indication of what related firmware and software versions are required, eg. MMU firmware version, which must be installed at the same time.
d) indication of how legacy sliced gcode and bgcode files are handled.
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Not sure if anybody else has the issue, that with the update to FW5.1.2 the selftest for y-axis fails and fails and ... no chance to get it working for me.
I downgraded the FW, and voila, it works fine again. Going back to 5.1.2, same issue occurs.
I cannot find the issue as a know bug anywhere but i cannot imagine that i am the only one who has this problem ?
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
I recently had to replace the bed thermistor on my MK4 (bought as a pre-assembled kit). After completing the repair and performing the self-test the test of the y-axis failed. Then I noticed that the screw holding the rear belt attachment part on the bottom of the print bed had come loose. I reattached the belt holder, checked all the screws on the y-axis belt and adjusted the tension. After that the self-test completed successfully on all axes. When printing with IS the belt attachments should probably be checked more often than on an MK3S. 🙂
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
i do not believe that this is the answer - it is fully dependend on the FW. when i downgrade, everything works well.
If i go to the newest, same issue occurs ...
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Perhaps the different firmwares expect different threshold values for the belt tension?
I’d say that threshold is too sensitive, either in FW, or in driver chip… i don’t have problems with Y (yet…), but i have problems with X : often printer at start of printing shows “crash occurred, recalibration…” and starts to recalibrate.
also: many times i have nozzle cleaning error. When i repeat it comes ok…
When i read “solutions” from guys: one had problems with bearing, other one with belt, again third one with something different…you name it… it clearly shows that the problem is not either one of bearing, belt, etc… but that calibration procedure is too sensitive and gives an error for each small thing.
Not to say that error 13604 now shows each time i power on my printer. Luckily i’m able to press “continue” and it works…
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
i guess you are right, but the issue is going much deeper:
since 5.0.1 i had as well issues with layer shifting. appears every second print, and so i downgraded the FW to 5.0.0. Now i was hopping that this issue does not occur again with 5.1.2, but again same shit --> y axis does not fit (like 5.0.1) and layershifting occurs as well. 6 different tests today and i decided to give a shit on inputshaper and downgrade again to 5.0 where everything is working fine for me.
I cannot trust those "experianced" testers, because in the meanwhile i found out in germans forum, that i am not the only one with this crazy problem.
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Did you try to tighten the belt a bit? Layer shifting is often just a symptom for incorrect belt tension.
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
After 2 days analysing the issue, and it was a lot of work because i builed my MK4 in an orginal enclosure.
Story short version:
I had the same issue with FW 5.0, and so i decided to disasable the y-axis completely and assamble it from scratch. I found that a lot of screws were loose (factory assembly). Now I used screw glue and after assembling it three times, I had no errors on one axis and can now carry out all the tests repeatedly. However, I now only print spagetthi monster and it doesn't matter which filament and which settings I use. I also changed nozzles in different thicknesses. All my hopes for a stable device are slowly dashed and I'm thinking about switching to Bambu 🙁 It's really frustrating when you decide against a Chinese bomber and you think you're buying good European quality... in total I've now spent over 2000 euros for a lot of trouble.
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
I saw in 5.1.0-alpha2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 they had a streaming g-code feature. I don't see that feature listed in 5.1.2. It that something they are still working on?
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
The release notes are not very good. I have complained to prusa about that.
But the “streaming” feature is certainly there. I have found, when uploading a large sliced file to the printer as “upload and print” that the printer begins its startup cycle well before the file has finished uploading (and yes, I’m running 5.1.2)
Here is something else I found on y axis only yesterday.
If you mistakenly install y axis idler support upside down, it still works but the belt geometry is all wrong. The result is the belt gets tighter as the bed moves to the forward position. When moved by hand, and the bed is released it can move backward under belt tension.
The correct orientation of the y axis idler mount has the insertion of the idler pulley from underneath, the smooth surface must be uppeemost.
This can cause layer shifting, and could theoretically also affect y axis calibration (in addition to the bearing position thing). it can also cause excessive belt stretching with longer term belt wear-out leading to a maintenance issue after some time has elapsed, and certainly belt tension will need adjustment more frequently.
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Check the orientation of the y axis idler holder. the slot for insertion of the idler pulley should be underneath, not anove.
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Read the thread. many have this issue. it can be fixed by altering the position of the front left y axis bearing so that the inside gap of the bearing to the bed frame is at least 0.25 mm.
With the fix done you can use 5.1.2 and y axis selftest will complete successfully.
Not sure if anybody else has the issue, that with the update to FW5.1.2 the selftest for y-axis fails and fails and ... no chance to get it working for me.
I downgraded the FW, and voila, it works fine again. Going back to 5.1.2, same issue occurs.
I cannot find the issue as a know bug anywhere but i cannot imagine that i am the only one who has this problem ?
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Isn’t it that streaming only works if you upload via web page (prusalink)? If so, it’s useless, at least for me. I upload all my files via prusaslicer directly, i rarely use web page…
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4 is out!
Read the thread. many have this issue. it can be fixed by altering the position of the front left y axis bearing so that the inside gap of the bearing to the bed frame is at least 0.25 mm.
With the fix done you can use 5.1.2 and y axis selftest will complete successfully.
You are right ! i made all these steps, and all axis are passing the tests well now. unfortunately, now i print only spagetthi monsters because of layer shifts.
I have losen the belt a little bit, afterwards i made it shortly stronger, but it still fails - spagetthi spagetthi spagetthi ....
i have absolutelly no clue why, but 1cm heigh the layershifting starts,- no matter how the belt looks like...